Page 27 of Royal Pain

We both took a few more sips of our drinks, just basking in the afterglow until my needs had returned. I took both glasses, placing them on the nightstand. When I stood, she reached out as if fearful I was leaving.

I leaned down, kissing her lips before heading toward the lamp. All I needed was the twinkling stars and the glow from the poolthat would wash into the oversized window for what I was about to do.

As I returned, she shifted under the covers, pulling them up to her chest as she peered up at me. I took care of that situation, ripping the sheet all the way down. As I crawled into the bed, she acted as if she as going to try to scramble away.

“No, you don’t.” I yanked her down by one ankle, immediately bending and spreading her legs wide open. As soon as I gathered them into my arms, she issued a slight moan, pushing her fists down on the soft sheet. “Be a good girl.”

“You don’t know me.”

“Not completely but I think after this, I’ll go a long way into doing so.” She shuddered and covered her face with her hands, which told me other than during the intense rush of uncontrollable passion, she was embarrassed about fulfilling her needs or her body. During the time we spent together, I planned on helping her understand just how beautiful she was. And how good she was supposed to feel from a man’s touch.

I pushed her legs back even further, leaning over and blowing across her glistening pussy. It was almost impossible to keep from devouring her, although the rational side of me wanted to take my time.

She needed me to take my time, opening her up like a flower. At some point, my thirst would be too great. But for now, I planned on exploring every inch of her. I took my time, pressing kisses on one side of her thigh and the other, lightly brushing my tongue up and down after doing so.

She moaned and undulated, her face still covered by her hands. I rubbed my hand down the outside of her thigh to her calf andfinally her toes, realizing her feet were pointed like a ballerina’s. I pressed kisses along the inside of her right leg, savoring the heat in her skin. It was so soft, my touch still light. She was a delicate flower, a creature to be savored like fine wine.

The way she tossed her head back and forth gave a further sense of her embarrassment, but I knew soon she’d get over the feeling. The time for foreplay was almost over, her scent ripening even more. When I dared to dart the tip of my tongue around her clit, she jerked up from the bed. She’d been forced to push her forearms against the bed, allowing me to catch a shimmer of her beautiful face.

Panting, she licked her lips as if they were dry, her moans ragged. I repeated the move and stopped until she rewarded me with a smile.

Only then did I begin again, flicking it back and forth several times. When I pressed my thumb against it for pressure only, she half laughed. Her nervousness was so sweet. I had no doubt by the shimmer on her skin that she was excited. I wanted nothing more than to make her feel good.

As I continued adding pressure, I dragged my tongue up and down the length of her pussy, every action remaining light and easy. Yet she was still bucking against me. She was so wet, heat building between us to an incredible precipice. I was floored how good it felt with her, how much I needed to be with her.

Taste her.

Feast on her.

Goddamn, my mind was one sided. I ignored the ramblings inside my head, concentrating on making her feel good.

As I finally buried my face into her wetness, she threw her head back with a series of strangled moans. Everything about this was deliriously indulgent but I didn’t care. I’d already lost my mind at this point.

With every swipe of my tongue, every press of my fingers teasing her pussy walls, she undulated even more. There was nothing like her sweet moans, the way she obviously needed this was enthralling. It was clear no man had ever made her feel this good.

I took my time even though my cock was twitching uncontrollably. There was nothing better than bringing her to the precipice where desire and need collided. I could tell she was trying to hold back, not to allow me to be in control of this too. I was having none of it, driving my tongue and two fingers deep inside her tight channel.

“Oh… My…” Her moans were even more ragged than before. I adored the sounds that I was helping to create. How could I not?

I continued to enjoy myself, licking her as if I was savoring the most succulent fruit. She was juicy, the flavor perfect like cherries. I could easily do this for hours on end and maybe tomorrow night I would.

Right now, I wanted her to explode in my mouth, so I continued claiming her. How Neanderthal of me. As she started to tense, she was forced to thump down on the bed. She fisted the sheet, yanking at the material as she tossed her head from side to side. She even managed to dig her heels into the bed. I’d relaxed my hold and was glad I had.

Her eyes were fluttering back and forth underneath her lids. The starlight made her look even more beautiful. I was so crazedwith desire that I couldn’t hold back any longer, feasting as I’d originally intended. She was now bucking up on the bed, fighting with one hand to reach me. Every sound she made was animalistic and it was so natural, so innocent. And just something else I loved.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.” She stiffened completely and there was no doubt electricity was shooting through her, an orgasm sweeping wildly through her system.

I licked furiously as she threw her head back, uttering a silent scream. Her reaction was pure and amazing. I refused to stop, savoring every drop of her sweet cream.

When she finally started to come down from the rafters, her body relaxing, only then did I press another series of kisses on one inner thigh and finally the other.

I was already hard as a rock, my balls tight as drums. I was amazed how much it was throbbing, but she’d done that to me. The woman with the sun-kissed copper hair and eyes the color of spun gold. I lowered her legs to the bed, very slowly crawling up the length of her body. Only when I straddled her shoulders did she open her lazy eyes.

“Hi, beautiful,” I told her.

She lifted her arms, placing her soft hands on my chest. “You make me feel beautiful.”

“I don’t need to try. You just are.”