Page 73 of Royal Pain


He seemed so surprised I agreed without fighting him, but what was the point in doing so? “Put a pillow on the bed and lie across.”

“What are you going to use?”

He pulled another belt from a drawer, holding it up. For a few seconds I was drawn back to the horrible moment from all those years ago. Somehow, he managed to see it and moved closer, very tenderly touching my face. “I’m not abusing you, Evangeline. I will never do that nor will I ever, and I do mean ever, allow anyone to do that to you again. Do you understand?”

I had to bite back a sob but nodded. “I’m sorry I worried you and you’re not Joseph.”

He tried to smile. “At least you can say that.”

There was something so disarming about what he said I was immediately put at ease. It might not make any sense to anyone else, but he was the single man since I’d met since Joseph able to do that. I untied my robe without him telling me he required me naked, crawling on the bed and grabbing one of the fluffy pillows.

As I lay across it, I realized this moment was quite cathartic. Maybe in some twisted way, this was exactly what I needed to finish healing. I deserved to be punished like some bad girl. I had no idea where my mind had gone. The nightmare had rattled me but that wasn’t a decent excuse.

When I was settled, he came closer, planting a knee on the bed and rubbing my back, caressing gently. Even the way his fingers touched me was so soothing. I had no idea how a rough and tumble man like Gage could be so tender and loving with nothing more than a brush of his fingers.

“Are you ready?” he asked in that soft yet husky voice.

“Yes. I mean yes, sir.”

He pulled away and was quick to snap his wrist, waiting as I attempted to get used to the pain. Gasping, I rose up from the bed, but he allowed my infraction, realizing my breath had been stolen.

Even though tears formed in my eyes, I was able to lie back down a few seconds later, fisting my fingers around the bedding.

He cracked the thick leather down four times, all even and fair.

Yet, I moaned, kicking out my legs. I had to remind myself why this was happening. That I’d been an idiot.

He waited another few seconds, caressing my bottom before issuing three more this time, one hitting the tops of my thighs.

“Fuck. Fuck!” I couldn’t help but curse and thankfully, he didn’t threaten to wash my mouth out with soap this time.

This time.

“You’re doing very well. After tonight, you must stay in a safe zone. You’re not a prisoner, Evangeline, but only with me can you be protected. If and when I leave for any reason, the men will keep you safe but only if you don’t do stupid things.”

“I promise.”

“Good girl.”

The same deliciously woozy feeling swept through me from his words. How silly but how salacious as well.

He continued the spanking, one coming down right after the other. It was fine, enough so I simply kept my fists balled around the comforter even though the pain was excruciating. My God, I was breathless, panting like a dog. But I almost feltcleansed. Maybe spankings really were good for the soul. Was that possible?

I couldn’t believe I almost laughed.

Or that I felt wetness between my legs. I guess it was true that I really did appreciate a sexy, dominating man. I could feast on that thought for days and would.

After the round of discipline was finished.

Damn him for being right.

Damn him for caring.

I could scream. Maybe I would.

I did.