“If what you want to do is against the rules, then yes, the dealer is given full autonomy to do what’s necessary to ensure every guest has a memorable time.”
“You always side with your employees.”
“Not always but usually because nine out of ten times, they are correct in their actions. Now, I don’t like my employees, or anyone for that matter, being berated. So for the time being, you’re banished from the casinos.”
“You can’t do that!” He made yet another mistake of planting his index finger against my chest, pushing.
“Would you prefer banishment from both islands?” All I did was grin when I really wanted to break his finger instead.
He was befuddled, his face red as a beet as he swore he would sue me.
“Go ahead, Zach. I assure you that the Royal brothers have an entire firm of attorneys who just might make your life a living hell. Got it?”
Perhaps he finally realized he was caught between a rock and a hard place, his usual tactics in his business with his employees not working with me.
He adjusted his tie and huffed. “Fine, but you’ll hear about this. I promise you that.” He took one last moment to accost me, still using the same index finger to push me again. But before I could do anything else, he turned on his heel and took long strides away from me.
“You scare people, boss. I like that about you.” Travis was laughing as I readjusted my cuffs.
“I hope that’s the only incident of the evening.”
“Well, unfortunately not. Remember that bachelorette party I mentioned? It seems the party is being crashed, especially since some of our female guests heard there were male strippers.”
I dropped my head, groaning. “I’d almost forgotten about that, the day long and arduous. Well, let’s go see if we stop a riot.”
“The group was given the special smaller ballroom and it’s already overflowing. The DJ turned up the music too. It’s only a matter of time before other guests start to complain.”
“Perfect.” I’d purposely shoved aside the thought of seeing the lovely Evangeline again. Especially since she’d run away from me, doe eyed and seemingly tongue tied. While I was a dominating man, some would say sadistic, I’d never forced a woman into doing anything.
Kissing her was the closest I’d ever come.
The taste of her was suddenly back. This could prove to be difficult and more personal for me.
The ballroom was rarely used, mostly because we weren’t well known for having these kinds of parties just yet. All we had to do was start to walk down the lavish corridor and the music was fairly overwhelming. The closer we got, the clearer the announcer became. He was egging the women on, providing just enough details about the men so they could live out a fantasy.
And the women were off the chain.
The room was overflowing, drinks being served at a rapid rate. We had to push our way through. There was a stage in one corner, men parading themselves around in very skimpy attire.Very skimpy, as in sequined thongs. Some had cowboy hats on, others a hardhat.
And in the middle of the group of dancers one of the men was gyrating in front of a guest sitting in the limelight in a chair. The girl’s face was dangerously close to his crotch, pretending she was biting and ripping off his bikini. I had a feeling if this wasn’t stopped, that’s exactly what would be happening very soon.
I powered my way through the crowd but before I could step onto the stage, a hand reached out, snagging my arm.
When I turned, I wasn’t expecting to be up close and personal with Evangeline so soon. I took a deep breath, partially because I’d been right in that her perfume was completely different tonight, more exotic. She was the vision of seduction in a red dress that had a low-cut bodice, a slit up the entire length of her leg and made of a material that hugged every curve as God had intended.
In addition, she’d curled her hair, giving it a slight up-do, curls floating against her shimmering face. Her makeup was different too, creating a sultry look that rivaled any model.
“Don’t do that. Not yet,” she said. There was no venom in her voice as I’d expected, no hatred. Just a plea that surprised me.
“I can’t have your party disturbing the other guests.”
“Take a look around you, Gage. Have you ever seen so many women of all ages whooping and hollering together as if they were teenagers?”
I did as she asked, honestly surprised just how many of the socialites that usually only acted this way in private were crazed with desire and enthusiasm. Some of them had even managedto grab pieces of the strippers’ clothes, which they were proudly wearing.
All I could do was laugh. The casinos were full of lively people at times, but this was the most fun some people had experienced in a very long time. “I’ll make you a deal. Turn the music down a couple decibels and I’ll let it go for now. But if I get complaints, I’ll need to shut it down.”
Her eyes lit up like a firecracker. She held out her hand for a shake like this was a business arrangement. I accepted anyway, wanting nothing more than to have time to touch her.