Before I can respond, a van with a local news logo pulls up. A reporter and cameraman jump out, heading straight for us.
“Can we get a statement about the Hollister revitalization plan and these alleged mass evictions?”
“No comment,” I manage, pushing past the crowd and into my shop. I flip the sign to ‘Closed’ and lean against the door, my heart pounding.
Preston had looked so sincere when he told me about the revitalization plans. But what if Mr. Goldstein’s right? What if this revitalization plan really about kicking everyone out of Seaside Square?
But why send a correction letter?
…to buy time while they plan our evictions behind our backs.
My chest tightens as Mr. Goldstein’s words replay inside my head. How could I have allowed myself to be played like a fool? I really thought Preston was different. Worse, I thought what we had was real.
“Crystal? Are you okay?” Marika, my assistant, appears from the back room, concern etched on her face.
“I’m fine.” I straighten up, forcing a smile as I flip the Closed sign back to Open and step away from the door. “Can you handle the counter today? I need to... I need to do inventory.”
In the storage room, surrounded by boxes of crystals and incense, I finally let the tears fall. How could things have gotten so mixed up?
My phone buzzes, the sound startling me but I relax when I see who it is.
I just saw the news. Are you guys OK?
I just found out. I’m in shock so that’s all I can tell you. I really thought he was honest about the revitalization project. At least his version.
Can this be a misunderstanding? I thought you said Teddy delivered the correction letter.
She did, but Mr. Goldstein has his doubts. He thinks it’s a ploy to let our guard down about the real motives. This is prime real estate, being just one block from the Boardwalk. To many it’s an eyesore even.
Don’t say that. Seaside Square is charming.
Real estate speak for a fixer-upper, I heard
Can I call you? Can you talk?
“It’s not like you to be so down like this,” she says the moment I answer her call. “Just talk to Preston. Get the facts directly from him.”
I groan. “I can’t. Not right now.”
“How did your date go?”