I roll my eyes. "Mom, that was different."
She looks at me with a faint smile, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Was it?"
The sound of footsteps on the deck signals the return of the men from the garage and an end to any more questions about Logan and me. I jump up from the couch, joining Logan at the door.
"Hey, you," he says, kissing me fully on the lips in front of everyone. "Would you like to take a walk with me before it gets dark?"
I nod. "Definitely. Let me grab my coat."
We hike along one of the easy trails around the lodge, enjoying our time together and not caring who sees us. With guests coming and going, enjoying all the activities Soda Springs has to offer, we take advantage of the anonymity and the privacy. We even have a playful snowball fight which Logan starts as we make it back to our cabin. But I make sure to get him good with one snowball hitting him smack in the face. He laughs, tackling me to the ground before kissing me, his lips cold against mine.
I giggle. "Your lips are cold."
"So are yours. But it'll warm up soon enough," he says as he gets to his feet and helps me up. "Come on, I want to check something out."
"Where it all started."
"Where what started?" I frown, not knowing what he means but the moment I see where we're headed, it makes sense. The little bridge where we had our first kiss.
"This is where it officially started," he says when we get to the middle of the bridge and look around us. I can see the main house. I can even see my parents standing by the window. Emily is standing on the deck.
"I've been waiting for this moment for awhile now," Logan continues as I turn to look at him.
"What moment?"
"Kissing you again... for real this time."
"But we've been kissing for real since the New Year. Actually we've been doing more than just kissing," I say, laughing but Logan looks serious.
"You know what I mean, Mariah."
I hold my breath as he cups my face in his hands. There's that same intensity in his eyes that I love, the one that tells me that underneath the happy-go-lucky persona that people know, there's a man who's serious about life, especially when it comes to love and family. I close my eyes as Logan lowers his face toward mine, the feel of his lips warm and soft. My arms wrap around his neck as his kiss deepens, heat racing through my body. I can never get enough of Logan, not his eyes and that smile that always makes every moment better, nor those arms that know when to hold me and keep me safe. Definitely not his heart that never seems to fear being true.
"I love you, Mariah."
"I love you, too, Logan," I say, wanting to ask him what's going on. But before I can, Logan gets down on one knee in front of me and pulls out a small box from his coat pocket.
I bring my hand to my mouth, my mind going a mile a minute as I look around us.Is it true? No, can't be. Is he really doing it... right here while my parents and sister are standing by the window watching us?
"Will you marry me, Mariah Peters? For real this time?"
But even with the rush of questions, my rational brain going a mile a minute, my heart knows the answer. It always did and there is no hesitation.
"Yes, Logan Garrison. I will marry you," I reply, pulling him up to his feet and kissing him as my parents join Emily and Brad on the deck, all of them cheering happily. "For real this time."
The End
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