"It's my middle name," Logan replies. "Logan Cooper Garrison. That's my full name."
"So what do we call you?" Harper asks. "Logan or Cooper?"
"Logan," he replies. "Cooper was a... a phase for Mariah. But that's over now."
"Logan Cooper Garrison. It's such a biker name," Harper says out loud. "I did find you and your brother online. I can't believe you never said anything. Logan. You guys have, like, tens of thousands of followers!"
Logan shrugs. "That's my brother's doing. He's the one in charge of social media."
"I did see his girlfriend and you're right, Mariah," Harper tells me. "I'd be dead from her dagger eyes if I just looked at her man sideways."
Logan laughs. "She doesn't share."
"You're not supposed to be looking at someone else's man, Harper," Emily says warily. "You know the drill. Been there, done that, remember?"
"I know, I know," Harper mutters as Emily shoots a glance at my direction.
"Where's Forrest?" I ask, wondering where my older brother is off to again. He's always been the serious one of all of us, enjoying his time alone in the woods whenever he can. He's also the most adventurous, having joined the Marines right out of high school and after he got out, backpacked through Europe and Asia on his own for two years before returning home a few years ago. Since then, he and Dad have made so many improvements to the Soraya that he's the only one my sisters and I can think of who can run the place when Mom and Dad retire.
"Summer needed help with the darn wood stove again," Harper says. "The fire went out during the night and the poor girl was freezing when he checked on her this morning."
"Wanna bet she's from the city," Emily says. "She should have gotten one of the rooms in the main lodge."
"Fully booked," Brad says.
"I hope she's okay," I say.
"She'll be fine." Harper winks. "My spider senses have been tingling ever since she joined us for dinner last night. Forrest never invites anyone to dinner. I think he likes her."
"It's just dinner. After all, who wants to spend Christmas Eve alone anyway?" Brad says, shaking his head as he gets up to head toward the kitchen.
"Did you see him this morning?" Harper asks, laughing. "He shaved off his beard."
"He what?!" Emily exclaims as she and I stare at Harper.
"Are you sure?"
"Yup," Harper replies, grinning a smile that reminds me the Cheshire Cat. "Thought he was a guest walking into the wrong cabin when he showed up this morning wanting me to give him a haircut."
"Are you sure weren't dreaming all this, Harper?" Emily asks as my younger sister rolls her eyes in response. "You were up pretty late last night."
"So we've got all the leftovers from last night although Dad made pancakes, just in case," Mom announces from the dining room, the table already laden with dishes from last night all warmed up. A stack of pancakes sits right in the middle of the table. "It'll be buffet style like always. You guys know where the plates and silverware are."
"Coffee is coming up," Dad announces as he emerges from the kitchen carrying a large percolator, Brad right behind him carrying the mugs and saucers. Logan leaves my side to help them set everything on the table.
"Has Mariah shown you around the property yet?" Mom asks as Logan shakes his head.
"A little bit," he replies. "She did take me to the gift shop."
"Did Mom tell you we framed your pictures the other year and put them up in one of the cabins?"
"You should show Logan around, Mariah. Maybe pop into that cabin," Mom says.
"What cabin?" I ask, frowning.
"For privacy," Harper adds as I glare at her but it's no use. She just makes a face at me before holding up her phone and snapping my picture.
"Presents or breakfast first?" Dad asks and the verdict is a mixed bag although it doesn't matter. Little Jonathan voices his answer with a shriek of happiness as he tears through every present he can find.