Page 85 of Escorted

But she wanted Anderto stop. And he hadn’t.

In some ways,it was safer this way. As long as he continued in his profession, there wouldbe no remote possibility of a romance developing between them. And that barriermade it easier for Lori to get over a lot of the confusion and self-delusionshe’d suffered before.

She still hatedit though. Every time Ander picked up his case and went out to meet a client.

He’d evenscheduled an appointment on his birthday, when he must have known she’d want tocelebrate it with him.

For the lastmonth, he’d had an engagement every Wednesday evening. It was worrisome becauseshe was afraid it might be a regular client, and regular clients were somehowmore threatening than occasional ones.

After all, lookhow deeply she’d fallen herself when she’d been his regular client.

“I’m sorry Iwas busy last night,” Ander said softly, as if he’d read at least some of herthoughts.

Lori shook awayher heavy thoughts. She was silly to brood about it. Her friendship with Anderwas thriving, and it was much better than what they’d had before. Yes, shemissed the sex. Sometimes so much she thought she would explode. But it feltlike they were building something real between them—even in such incongruouscircumstances—so she wasn’t going to gripe that it hadn’t worked out like afairy tale or a silly movie.

Beaming at him,she said, “That’s all right. We’ll just pretend your birthday is today.”

They ate cakeand drank Burgundy, which Ander insisted was a perfect complement to chocolatecake. They chatted easily until Lori brought up a subject she’d been pestering Anderabout for almost a month.

“I need to sendin the little card that says I’ll attend the wedding,” she said, trying for acasual tone. “I should say it’s me and a guest, right?”

Ander eyed her,mild but unwavering. “Only if you’ve found yourself a date.”

Lori huffed.“Don’t be that way, Ander. You know I want you to come with me.”

“And you knowthat I can’t. I have other plans.”

“Well, your plansare ridiculous. What kind of fucking client would hire you for an entire month?I mean, that’s just selfish and creepy.” Lori was so annoyed her teethpractically snapped together. She hadn’t believed Ander when he told her he’dbe out of the country next month—for the entire month—on work. But evidently itwas true.

The thought ofsome other woman having Ander at her disposal for a whole month made Lori ill.And it wasn’t just jealousy—although there was certainly plenty of that. It wasthought of Ander being on call for all that time, expected to please somewoman’s smallest wish for so long.

It couldn’tpossibly be good for him.

“Lori,” Andersaid, an edge of warning in his tone.

“I mean it,”she insisted, her voice thickening as her emotions rose, “Ander, just cancelthat job—whatever it is. I don’t care what kind of fortune she’s paying you.It’s not worth it. worries me.”

Ander’s eyesscanned her face, first questioningly and then almost tenderly. He reached outa put a gentle hand on her cheek for just a moment before he removed it. “I’llbe fine, Lori. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“Well, I doworry about you,” she muttered, disappointed that he hadn’t changed his mindabout that job. But he’d been doing this for years. Surely he knew hislimitations, and it wasn’t her role to interfere. To lighten the mood, sheadded, “You’re sometimes kind of stupid, you know.”

At his archedeyebrows, she snickered. “I’m not saying you’re the only one.”

Ander smiled ather and she recognized the gesture as a peace offering. She smiled back.

There was no reasonfor her to obsess about this. Ander was a grown man and he had to make his owndecisions. All she could be was his friend. As long as he didn’t push her away,she would be content.

As she scrapedthe last of the icing off her plate, Lori couldn’t help but return to herprevious concern. “But can’t you come to the wedding with me anyway? I have togo. You know he was my best friend in high school. I can’t miss his wedding.”

“I don’t expectyou to miss his wedding,” Ander said imperturbably. “There’s no reason youcan’t go by yourself.”

Lori groanedand rubbed her face. “I don’t want to go by myself. It will be so awkward. Imean, I was in love for him for so long, and he knew it. Can’t you take a dayor two off from your engagement that month and fly back to go with me? I’ll payfor your airfare and everything.”

Ander slantedher a sharp look.

“Not likethat,” she gasped. “I didn’t mean...obviously I didn’t mean I’d treat you likean escort. I just meant, if you’re nice enough to come all the way back, youshouldn’t have to pay that extra money.”

His nod showedhe understood she hadn’t meant to imply he was at her service, but he hadn’tchanged his mind. “I’m not coming back, Lori. You don’t need me to go to thewedding with you.”