She was in bedagain when Ander reemerged, looking composed, relaxed, and suavely dressed oncemore. To her surprise, he didn’t grab the cash and run. Instead, he sat downand leaned forward a little, clasping his hands. “Did you have any otherquestions I can help you with? Other concerns?”
She thought fora moment, taking the offer seriously. How often would she have the benefit ofsuch an expert? “Do you have any suggestions for getting myself off moreeffectively?”
Ander frowned,but she could tell it was because he was reflecting on the question. “What haveyou tried?”
“Just my hand.Rubbing, mostly. I can get there, but it’s never all that good. I figured I wasjust doing it wrong.”
He gave her afew, detailed suggestions about techniques for manual self-stimulation. Then headded, “You should get a vibrator.” At her expression, he gave a half-smile.“They’re not nearly as tacky or embarrassing as you’d think. I can bring you agood one next time if you want.”
“Thanks,” shesaid, smiling in surprise at the offer. She’d considered buying oneherself—she’d even found discreet websites through which she could buy one—butshe’d been worried she’d be too self-conscious to actually use it. “How far inadvance are you booked up?”
“Usually atleast three weeks. Beyond that, it depends on the day.”
“Three weeks?”She’d been hoping to meet up with him again a lot sooner than that.
Obviouslycatching the disappointment in her voice, Ander tilted up one corner of hismouth. “I occasionally have cancellations. I can let you know. Otherwise, Ithink my first available evening is two weeks from next Wednesday.”
Lori thoughtquickly and couldn’t think of anything she had scheduled for that evening. Andshe figured she better snatch the day while she could, since obviously Ander’stime was a hot commodity. “I think that would work. Let’s schedule it then.”Feeling a prickle of curiosity, she asked, “Do you work every evening?”
He shook hishead. “I keep certain days to myself.”
She madeherself get out of the bed and walk over to the table. She slid the money overtoward him without meeting his eyes. “It should be the right amount fortonight.”
He didn’t countit. Just slipped it into his pocket and picked up his case.
“Thank you fortonight,” she said.
“You’rewelcome. I’ll see you on the twenty-eighth.”
“I’m lookingforward to it,” she said as she watched him walk to the door—lean, upright, andinfinitely cosmopolitan. Cool and competent. A quintessential businessman witha very particular business. She wondered why he was bald. And wondered how he’dgotten into this line of work to begin with. Wondered what was up with him andhis father.
She hadn’t doneeverything she’d intended to do tonight. She hadn’t had intercourse. But she’dhad a good orgasm, and that was excellent progress. She was fairly satisfiedwith herself.
As Ander closedthe door behind him, she realized maybe she actuallywaslooking forwardto their next engagement.
By the time two weeks from Wednesdayrolled around, Lori had worked up a fair amount of excitement.
After her weirdawkwardness immediately following her first session with Ander, Lori concludedthat the encounter been a real success. She wasn’t looking for a fantasy. Shewas just looking for a way to rid herself of her virginity, a way that was easyand hassle-free. Ander was talented, accommodating, thoughtful, and veryattractive. And his professionalism made the first engagement exactly whatshe’d been looking for.
She couldn’timagine the second engagement would be a problem. It would likely go the sameway, only with intercourse rather than oral sex. Because she had such a goodimpression of her first session with Ander, she began to anticipate the secondone.
She was stillnervous. But, as the days progressed, her excitement became stronger than her fear.
So Lori arrivedat the hotel at six o’clock on the scheduled Wednesday. She followed the sameroutine as before: took a bath, shaved, applied lotion, counted cash, drankwine, and sat in a chair waiting for Ander. Her belly was fluttery with nerves.
But she waspretty sure she wasn’t going to be sick.
She’d been avirgin for twenty-six years. And she’d spent many of those years lookingforward tonotbeing one.
And now it wasfinally going to happen.
When Andertapped on the door, she walked over to let him in without even the slightestimpulse to hide in the bathroom.
Tonight, he woreall black—black trousers, black dress shirt, and very expensive black leathershoes. He smiled at her, exactly as she’d expected him to. Urbane, sensual.Infinitely practiced.
“Hi there,” shesaid cheerfully, leading him back into the room. “You look all cool andstealthy tonight.”