Page 105 of Escorted

His face moveddown to her neckline. He nipped around her cleavage, giving one erect nipple atweak with his finger and thumb through the thin fabric of her dress.

She gasped andshifted restlessly at the jolt of pleasure. Then he did it again and shewhimpered. Then he took her breast in his mouth and fluttered his tongue aroundher sensitized nipple, dampening the fabric and making her mew helplessly.

While he teasedher breasts, she stroked his smooth scalp, knowing how much it turned him on.

“Fuck, Lori, Ilove you,” Ander mumbled against her breast, sliding his hands up to stroke theline of her bare arms. “So beautiful. So sweet. I always want you so much.”

“Me too,” shepanted, already too far gone for extended conversation. Her body squirmedbeneath his, desperate for friction, for release. “Ander, me too.”

“Are you readyfor me, baby?” he asked, slipping his hand beneath her skirt and between herlegs. He found her hot, swollen entrance easily enough.

She wasn’twearing panties.

“Oh fuck,” hebit out, his eyes igniting with heated possessiveness. He penetrated her withtwo fingers, spilling her collected moisture and rubbing deliciously againsther inner walls.

Lori stretchedlike a cat and moaned again, half-shutting her eyes as the sensations spun outfrom his massage.

She mewed withdisappointment when he withdrew his fingers.

“Sorry. It’sbeen a while and I’m not sure how long I can last.”

Smiling at himwith sensual affection, Lori sat up and reached over to feel his crotch. Sherubbed the hard bulge until Ander let his head fall back and groaned.

Delighted withthis reaction, Lori would have continued. But Ander recovered enough to takeher by the shoulders, ease her back down to the floor, and gently turn her overonto her stomach.

She knew heloved his position, and she was rather fond of it too.

Gazing at himwith both love and desire from over her shoulder, she watched as he unfastenedhis trousers and freed his cock. “Feeling like a caveman tonight? Or do youstill insist you’re immune to such primitive impulses?”

He shot her awarm, amused look, despite the tension on his face. Then he straddled her legs,pushed up her skirt to bare her bottom, and lifted her hips until her entrancewas exposed.

Lori bracedherself with her arms and let out a wet sigh as he pushed his erection into herwet, pliant channel.

Ander exhaledtoo, his almost gravelly as they adjusted to the penetration. Then he leanedover and said against her ear, “Me big strong man. Me take woman from behind.”

Caught bysurprise, Lori broke into rippling laughter, her body shaking beneath his andthe vibrations spreading deliciously through her body. “I knew there was acaveman in there somewhere.”

Because she waslooking back as she laughed, she saw his gaze take on a new intensity, a depththat took her breath away.

“I love you, Ander,”she whispered, stretching her neck back for a kiss.

His lips foundhers and they kissed deeply as he started to thrust.

So they madelove on a floor strewn with discarded envelopes and thousands of dollars ofcash.

They kissed fora long time, Ander’s hips moving with short, rhythmic pumps. But soon thestimulation and the emotions coalesced with deep power, and it felt so good shehad to tear her mouth away.

“Oh, God,” shepanted, “Oh, Ander.” Her body began to shudder as an orgasm built up quickly.

His rhythmintensified, as if in response to her coiling pleasure. He bumped his pelvisagainst her bottom with accelerating speed, his cock sliding slickly in hertight, heated clasp. “Fuck, Lori. I love you. Come for me, baby.”

She made soft,sobbing sounds as she worked up toward climax. She was washed with alternatingwaves of heat and cold as her vision started to blur.

Each of histight strokes connected with her g-spot and he’d started to grunt as heunleashed his own need.

He ducked hishead down again and nuzzled her hair away from her neck. Then he bit down onthe hollow between her shoulder and throat.

“Ander!” shechoked, her body clenching up brutally before it all released in waves ofsensation. She eagerly rode out her climax around his cock, extending theduration of the spasms.