Page 95 of Escorted

“Maybe ...” Hervoice cracked with a sudden pang of fear and she couldn’t bring herself tovoice the idea.

“Maybe what?”

She took a deepbreath to work up her courage. “Maybe he didn't come here just to be mean.Maybe he actually wanted...wanted to see you.”

Ander jerkedhis head to the side, breaking off their shared gaze. And a variety of emotionstwisted on his face before he was able to reply. “I doubt it. But it doesn’tmatter. There’s no reconciliation in store for us. I hope you’re not thinkingthere is.”

“I’m not. Ijust thought it might be good for you to see that you’re not the only one whomight ...” She trailed off, suddenly scared she was presuming too much. Ander’seyes were cool and wary on her face. But she pushed on, “Who might wish thatthings were different.”

After a tensemoment, his expression changed and he let out a hoarse breath. “Yeah.”

Lori tried tohide her relief, once again determined not to make a big deal about any kind ofsharing Ander was willing to do.

“Were you madat me?” she asked in a small voice, staring down at her pasta. She felt Andergive her a sharp look, so she explained, “When you found out I knew who youwere?”

“No.” Only thendid she dare to look back up at him. He appeared strangely tired all of asudden. “The truth is I was so glad you knew.”

** *

They went back to Ander’s place,since it was only a few blocks from the restaurant. Lori wasn’t sure he wouldsuggest it, so she just acted like it was understood and headed there afterthey'd told Don goodbye.

She’d been overto his place countless times. There didn’t have to be anything significantabout her going there tonight.

But Ander’ssilence on the walk revealed that he knew there was.

They’d gotteninside and Ander had locked the door before he finally spoke. They faced eachother in the entry hall and he asked, “So are you going to tell me the finalintention of your little inquisition tonight?”

Lori sucked ina sharp breath. “It wasn’t an inquisition! Really. I didn’t mean—”

“I didn’tintend to imply it was rude or intrusive,” Ander interrupted, his face calm andhis voice even. “But there’s something underlying it. Are you going to tell mewhat it is?”

Groaning, sherubbed her scalp in frustration. “I thought I was being clever and subtle.”

Ander actuallylaughed. “It was very well done. But I know you too well, Lori.” When she juststared at him, he prompted, “Are you going to tell me?”

Since he’dasked for it, she just blurted it out, “Why won’t you have sex with me?”

He shook hishead with a rueful smile. “I thought that might be what this lingering strolldown memory-lane was about.”

“I’m serious, Ander,”she insisted, afraid he was going to dismiss the issue with characteristicirony. “I’m happy to wait as long as you need if you’re not ready, but can’tyou tell me what’s going on?”

Ander’s spinestiffened, almost imperceptibly. And he licked his lips in what she understoodwas hesitation. But when he spoke his voice was natural, almost casual. “We canhave sex, Lori. Of course, we can have sex.”


“I wasn’t sureif you were ready. But, if you want, we can have sex tonight.”

Lori stoodfrozen in place, confused and disoriented. He had to have known she was readybefore tonight. There was no evidence of dissembling in his manner or tone, butsomething about his response didn’t ring true.


He smiled at heras he moved farther into his loft. “Surely, you know how much you turn me on.You weren’t worried about that, were you?”

“No,” she said,trying to keep up. “But I thought...I mean, you were...” She stopped and staredat the floor so she could focus. Forced her mind to work clearly.

Ander walkedthrough the living area toward his bedroom. When her mind cleared enough, shefollowed him and found him standing in the entrance to the bedroom with a lookof concentration on his face.

“What’s wrong?”she asked, grabbing him by the arm. Something wasn’t right here, and she stillwasn’t positive about what it was.