Page 91 of Escorted

They ended upmaking out on her couch, and already Lori was so turned on she wanted toexplode.

To begin with, Ander’shands had only been in safe positions—on her back, in her hair, cupping herface—but now his caresses were becoming more presumptuous. As his tongueplunged between her lips to play along the roof of her mouth, one of his handsslid down to palm her bottom.

Lori moanedagainst his mouth and clutched at the back of his shirt. She adjusted until shewas practically in his lap, pressing her breasts against his chest and tryingto get some friction on her groin.

Still deep inthe kiss, Ander slipped his hand beneath the hem of her dress and stroked upher bare thigh. She shivered at the intimate contact and tore her lips awayfrom his so she could gasp.

Ander used theopportunity to mouth his way down her jaw to her throat. He lingered over herpulse point until Lori whimpered in pleasure.

Her arousalhot, wet, and throbbing now, she shifted again, moving one of her legs overboth of his thighs so she could straddle his lap. She needed pressure againsther clit and she needed it now.

He held herhips with both of his hands to brace her as his lips moved even lower. He tookone breast in his mouth through the silk of her slinky cocktail dress andsuckled at her nipple so skillfully Lori’s hips started to work shamelesslyagainst his.

Ander was hardnow. She could feel the bulge of his erection in his trousers. She rubbed herarousal urgently against his and felt pulses of pleasure spiral out from thecontact.

Her skirt wasbunched up around her waist, and Ander’s hands slid down to hold and squeezethe soft flesh of her ass. She wore a thong because the silk of her dress wasso thin, and the strip of fabric across her wet pussy was exquisite torment.

“Ander!” shegasped, as one of his hands slipped between her thighs to press against theplace she was most hot and wet. Her back arched as she tried to ride his handwith embarrassing abandon.

Ander raisedhis face to stare at her for a moment, his eyes hot, hungry and almostprimitive. Then he groaned and leaned forward to mouth her throat.

Withoutwarning, he bit down hard.

Lori cameagainst his hand with a choked cry.

She wasconscious of Ander straightening up so he could watch as she rode out thespasms of pleasure. When they faded, she slumped against his chest, gasping andpressing sloppy kisses against his cheek and the side of his head.

Ander held hertightly for a few minutes, until she started to move against him again. Sherubbed against his groin, felt a thrill at how hard and tense he was.

She knew hewanted her. And she wasn’t even close to sated.

“Ander,” shemurmured, stroking his smooth head and kissing all over his face. “Do y—”

“Fuck, baby,”he rasped, his hands suddenly strong her shoulders as he maneuvered her bodyoff of his. “I better go.”

“Oh,” she said,staring as he stood up stiffly, still kind of dazed from her orgasm. “Do youhave to?”

He gave a huffof ironic laughter. He was sweating a little, and he held himself so tightly hecould barely move. “I’m sorry, Lori. I definitely have to go.”


“I have thatearly class in the morning. I’ll call you tomorrow.” He leaned down to give hera quick kiss on the mouth, and then he left before she could get another wordout.

Lori collapsedback on the couch with a little whimper. Her body felt chilled and she wasbrutally disappointed. Not really surprised, though. He’d done this to herbefore.

She and Anderhad been dating now for a month. They went out, talked every day, did a lot ofkissing, and sometimes went even further like tonight, but Ander always calledan end to it before they got to sex. Lori truly appreciated the way he’d beenwilling to take it slow. Moving from friendship to something deeper was obviouslywhat both of them wanted, but she’d been worried about moving too fast becauseof the way their relationship had begun.

She thoughtshe’d made it clear that she was more than ready for sex now, however, but Anderstill wouldn’t take the final step.

If he wasn’tyet ready, she would be patient. He’d been more than patient with her.

But she knew hewanted it. Knew he wantedher. It didn’t take much for Ander to getaroused around her, and men didn’t have the advantage of being able to hidetheir arousal very well.

It wasn’t aphysical issue. She knew that. But she didn’t know what else he might bewaiting for.

She thoughtthey were both in the same place emotionally. They’d both been in too deep whenLori was still his client. They’d taken a step back to being friends for threemonths so they could come to terms with what they wanted and set the groundworkfor a more healthy attachment. And for the last month they’d been pursuing aromantic relationship. They hadn’t spoken words of love, but she knew how much Andercared about her. She knew how important she was to him. And she knew how muchhe desired her.

So why didn’the want to have sex with her?