Ander respondedimmediately to her kiss, but he let her take complete control of it. His mouthopened and his tongue moved at her urging. But he didn’t roll over or reach outto touch her.
They kissed fora long time, joined only by their mouths and Lori’s hand on his cheek. It feltsweet and oddly innocent, and Lori felt both her body and her emotionsresponding. But eventually she wanted more, so she slid her hand down to hischest and then lower to his abdomen. Ander wore a slate blue dress shirt andshe stroked his belly through the expensive fabric.
She loved thefeel of the flat, firm muscles there, rising and falling with his acceleratingbreathing.
Then she slidher hand even lower. To the front of his trousers. Realized he was alreadygetting hard.
Lori wonderedwhy he wasn’t making any moves, why he just lay on the bed and let her kiss andcaress him.
Sometimes Anderwas so unknowable she wanted to scream.
She wanted toknow how he was feeling. She wanted him to feel as deep and overwhelmed as shedid at the moment. She wanted him to react to her with genuine pleasure andaffection.
She wanted himto respond to her in a way he did with no other client. No one else but her.
And suddenlyshe knew what she wanted to do.
Her hands movedto his belt and started to unhook the buckle. Then she unfastened his trousersand untucked his shirt. Started to slowly unbutton it, baring his chest to herview. She slid his shirt off over his shoulders. And then she started to pushoff his trousers.
Only then did Anderhelp by lifting up his hips. His eyes hadn’t left her face the whole time sheundressed him, and his gaze was quiet and questioning with a depth she didn’tunderstand.
“Ander,” shesaid at last, surprised her voice came out so unsteadily. “Can I ...?”
Ander found andheld her self-conscious gaze. “Lori, you can do whatever you want.”
The words madeher belly twist at the same time they reassured her. “I wanted to...I’ll needto add some money to the envelope, but I ...”
“Lori, justtell me what you want.”
“Oral sex,” shemanaged to choke out, her cheeks burning hotly. After all this time, it wassilly to be embarrassed. But she was. Not so much by the act but by thevulnerability of saying she wanted it.
Ander’s browsdrew together and he started to turn on his side and push himself up. “Ofcourse. I can—”
“No,” sheinterrupted, realizing he’d misunderstood. “I wanted to do it.” She swallowedhard. “On you.”
“Can I?”
Ander froze fora moment. “Yes,” he said softly. “If you want.”
“I do.”
For a minute,they just looked at each other. Then Ander rolled off the bed and walked overto his case, where he pulled out a foil packet. “This condom will be easier foryou to use. It’s slightly mint flavored, and it will taste a lot better thanlatex.”
Lori nodded andwatched as Ander rid himself of his boxers and returned to the bed. He wasalready almost fully erect.
He handed herthe condom and lay back down on the bed on his back. He stared up at her faceand waited.
Lori reallywanted to do this, but she was also getting very nervous. “I’ve never done thisbefore,” she said, “I won’t know what I’m doing. You’ll have to help.”
“Of course.Anything you want.”
She scooteddown on the bed until her face was in range of his groin. She stared down athis erect cock, a deeper shade than the rest of his body. She thought she sawit twitch as she watched.
Her eyes dartedback to his face and he gave her a little smile. Oddly comforted, she laughednervously. “I’m not going to be any good at it—just to warn you. And I hopeyou’re not going to expect anything fancy. I mean, you’re not going to go downmy throat or anything, are you?”
Ander’s lipstwitched, although his gaze was still that quiet, intense one. “Of course not.I’ll just lay here and let you do your thing. Just tell me if you want anythingdifferent.”