“Oh. Yeah.Friday is good. And maybe sometime next week. I’m going to be in Quebec for the weekend the week after that, so we’ll have to work around the trip.”
They set up afew more sessions and then Ander got up to leave. Lori handed him the envelopeof cash, and he didn’t even glance at it. Just slid it into his pocket.
She pulled onher cashmere pants before she walked him to the door. She felt a little shy asshe smiled and said goodbye. She didn’t know why she suddenly felt bashful, butit had something to do with the way he looked at her when he opened the door.Almost questioning. And strangely sweet.
“I’ll see youon Friday,” he said, lingering in the hall outside the door.
She smiledagain, still ridiculously shy. “Yeah. I’m looking forward to it.”
“I’m glad youchanged your mind. About scheduling engagements with me.”
Somethingsoftened in her chest at his slightly stilted words. Maybe it was relief shefelt. She was so glad that he seemed to enjoy his engagements with her. Obviously,this wasn’t some sort of fated romance, but at least she was a little more tohim than just a job.
He seemed tolike her well enough, and he didn’t mind having sex with her. She felt likethat was quite an accomplishment, given her complete lack of experience.
“Me too.”
She watched himwalk down the hall to the elevator. Lean, upright, sleek, and urban. Infinitelyexperienced. And somehow wounded.
She would seehim again on Friday. Just four days from now. She would get to kiss him again.
She couldn’twait.
Lori wasn’t entirelycomfortable.
Her pussy wasraw, her back felt bruised, her thigh and stomach muscles were aching, and herfeet her loosing circulation.
And she wasabout to come. Again.
At a littlebefore midnight on Thursday night, Ander had been getting ready to leave, and Lorihad innocently remarked that she’d only come four times that evening, when onthe previous Friday he’d made her come six times. She’d just been teasing,since she was perfectly satisfied with the evening’s activities.
But Ander hadheaved her up, sprawled her back onto the table, pushed her chemise up and herlegs apart, and brought her to climax twice with his hand.
Then, erectagain, he’d rolled on another condom and entered her, lifting her legs up soher ankles were propped on his shoulders as he started to thrust. It was anentirely undignified position, her legs in the air and her hands fumblingaround on the smooth table for something to clutch. Her spine was sore frombeing pushed back and forth on the hard surface by Ander’s forceful motion. Thesound of slapping flesh and wet suction was vaguely embarrassing, as were thesoft grunts she made to the tempo of his rutting.
She reallyshouldn’t be enjoying it so much.
She was,though, and she bit her lip hard as her muscles tensed up and the tremors ofher seventh orgasm that evening started to rip through her body. She stifledher cry of release, and it came out as a high-pitched keening sound.
She gasped for Anderto come too as the waves of satisfaction washed over her. She gazed up at himbreathlessly as his flushed face twisted on his last few pushes inside her. Hisfingers tightened bruisingly in the flesh of her ass, and he choked out aguttural word as he rolled his hips slowly, as if he were savoring his release.
Lori had tostifle a giggle as he pulled out and helped her off the table. She clung to theedge for support, her legs barely able to hold her weight. She couldn’t believethey’d just done that. After Ander had already showered and packed up his case.
As he went tothe bathroom to take care of the condom, she glanced at the clock and blinkedat the time.
“I went twentyminutes over,” she said when he returned to the room. “Sorry.”
“Don’t worryabout it.” Ander’s eyes scanned her from her messy hair to her bare feet, andshe saw his lips give a little twitch.
Knowing exactlywhat that expression meant, she narrowed her eyes. “What’s so funny?”
“I wasn’tlaughing.”
“Yes, youwere.”
His mouthsoftened as he closed up his case again. “I really wasn’t laughing. I was justthinking you look a little worse for wear.”