Page 53 of Escorted

While theykissed, his hands were busy. He caressed down her spine and then moved lower toher thighs and bottom, where he fondled and groped with intimate entitlement.

Breaking offthe kiss for a minute so she could recoup and catch her breath, she slid one ofher hands down past his chest and belly until she could feel his erectionthrough his boxers. The silk was thin and slippery, and she squeezed his hardflesh through the fabric.

She heard hisbreath hitch and figured it must be a good thing. She hadn’t quite evened outher own breathing when Ander took her head in his hands and pulled her downinto another kiss. His fingers tangled in her hair as he teased her mouth openonce more with his tongue. She kept massaging his cock as they kissed, lovinghow firm and substantial he felt beneath her hand and how his body kepttightening with each squeeze.

Soon, she gotlost in the embrace. Her body did what it wanted to do, which was rub againsthis and try to suck his tongue into her mouth. She felt his hands move down toher cashmere tank. She hazily thought he must be trying to pull it off of her,but she wouldn’t release him enough to let him do so.

Eventually, hegave up and instead moved her hips away so he could free his cock from hisboxers. Their lips broke apart as he reached for a condom. Then he helped herinto position as she straddled his pelvis and sank down, sheathing his erectionwith her wet heat.

She started toride him the way she knew how, but after a few minutes he guided her upper bodydown against his and claimed another kiss.

She had no objections.She didn’t have much freedom of motion, sprawled over him in this position, butshe didn’t care. He felt full and hard inside her, and the slight friction oftheir rocking together was delicious. She could get some good stimulation onher clit from his pelvic bone, and she started to moan and huff against hismouth as the pressure of an orgasm developed between her legs.

Her head wasspinning. The whole world was spinning. And it felt like Ander would eat heralive, swallow her whole.

She jerked herhead to the side as her body clenched up, just on the verge of shattering. Shewhimpered and panted, twisting her hips to get more stimulation from thepenetration of Ander’s cock against her slick inner walls.

Then she came,her body writhing clumsily on top of his as the spasms of pleasure slicedthrough her.

Ander gruntedand his hips bucked up with short jerks against her groin. His fingers dug intothe flesh of her ass. “Lori?” he rasped, his face twisting briefly.

As she camedown from her orgasm, she realized what he was asking. “You come too,” she saidhoarsely. “Come, Ander. Come.”

Her intimatemuscles were tight and they felt tighter as Ander pushed and thrust into herfrom below.

Then she felthis hot, wet mouth at the hollow of her neck. Then she felt his teeth.

He bit downhard as he climaxed, and Lori cried out in surprised release, coming againunexpectedly from the mingling of pleasure and pain.

Their bodiestwitched and rocked and softened as the waves of orgasm finally faded.

She was hot andsweaty, and so was Ander. She panted desperately against his shoulder and neck,while he panted desperately against hers.

After a minute,he heaved himself up and pulled out of her the way he always did. As his cockslid out of her clinging channel, her body resisted. Her inner walls seemed toclutch at his cock, and she felt a raw sensation as he finally slid out.

When hereturned from disposing of the condom, she really wanted him to get back intobed. He looked warm, relaxed, and sated. Almost irresistible. She wanted tocuddle a little. To be held, hugged, cherished.

She wasn’tcompletely delusional, though. This was one of the consequences of going aboutsex the way she had. Without a deep emotional connection, there would always besomething lacking. She figured she could manage to kiss him while they fuckedwithout losing her sense of perspective. But pretending to snuggle afterwardswould definitely be going too far.

So she told himhe could take a shower if he wanted. And she was feeling more herself when hereemerged, composed and fully dressed in his charcoal gray suit.

He sat down ina chair and met her eyes as she lounged in the bed. “So what did you think? Didit feel too unnatural, like you were pretending?”

She hadn’texpected the question so she had no choice but to answer him honestly. “No. Iwasn’t pretending at all. I mean, it didn’t feel fake. I liked it. It felt likea natural part of sex that I’d been missing out on before. Was it weird foryou?”

“Of coursenot.” He pulled his smartphone out of his case. “Do you want to schedule someother engagements this month?”

“Yeah. Whydon’t we? When do you have available?”

“When were youthinking?”

Lori blinked inconfusion. “I usually just take your earliest opening. When are you next free?”

“I have Fridayavailable.” Ander was clicking on his smartphone, like he was looking throughhis appointments.

“This Friday?” Lori’svoice squeaked a little. “That soon? Aren’t you booked up?”

Ander’s facelooked oddly still for a moment. “I told you I’m cutting back a little.”