Benedict quickened his pace, and a smile spread across his face when he saw her exit. Selina returned his smile, her eyes twinkling as she ran to meet him halfway.
She could not believe what she was seeing. Nor could she believe what she was doing. For a week now, the two had ignored one another, basking in their antipathy, happy to pretend that the other did not exist and that their marriage had reached its end.
For a week now, Selina had tried in vain to convince herself that she did not care for Benedict and that he did not care for her. And yet the way they ran toward one another suggested otherwise.
“Selina!” Benedict reached her, holding out his hands for her to take. “I am sorry! God, how I am sorry!”
She took his hands, their warmth spreading up her arms in a way that made her feel as if she might fly. “You came for me. I can’t believe that you?—”
“The things that I said,” he cut her off. “I take them all back. I hate that I said such awful, cruel words?—”
“I know you did not mean them,” she spoke over him, the words tumbling out of her mouth faster than she could think.
“And to accuse you of anything other than what I felt myself,” he said. “For everything you said was true, and I?—”
“I know how you feel,” she cut him off again. “I have always known it. And I am sorry that I pushed you before you were ready?—”
“Do not apologize! You did nothing wrong. I am the one who?—”
“Who is here! Now!”
“I love that you challenge me,” he continued, speaking so fast that he stumbled over his words. “I love that we do not have a traditional marriage. And I love?—”
“The way we fight,” she blurted out. “The way we argue. The way I can say anything to you. The fact that I can bemewhen I am with you.”
“I love your fire,” he said, still holding her hands as he looked into her eyes.
“I love your passion.”
“I love your smart mouth and ability to annoy me, no matter what I say or do.”
“I love how stubborn you are,” she countered. “Even if I hate it at the same time.”
“I love?—”
“Just say it!” she cried joyously.
“Selina!” he snapped suddenly, widening his eyes at her as if in warning. “For once, will you just let me say what I need to, without speaking over me!”
She leaned back as if from shock… only to feel a delicious shiver run down her spine as his grip on her hands tightened. “That depends, are you able to for once say what is needed? Or do I have to do it for you?”
He shook his head as if in anger, but he could not hide his smile. “Why do you frustrate me so! I am here to apologize, and still, you antagonize me.”
“I would not need to if you had the courage to say what is on your mind, rather than waiting until the very last second to?—”
“At least I found the courage! You were about to leave.”
“And I still might.” She raised a challenging eyebrow at him. “If you do not speak already! For I am sick of waiting to hear it.”
He laughed. It was a deep, rumbling laughter that she could feel in her chest. She had forgotten how big he was. How dominating. Howstrong. She had forgotten how she felt when he became frustrated, when he was on the verge of snapping at her. She had long since given up on the notion that she might once again find herself trapped in his thrall as he tried to keep his temper in check.
Benedict raised an eyebrow back at her in warning. She smirked, and he glared at her, ensuring that she would not speak.
“Are you finished?” he growled.
“Hard to do, when you have not even begun.”
“You are—” He sucked air through his teeth. “You frustrate me.”