“Is that what you think?” he scoffed. “Why not finish the thought? You think I am in love with you. Is that it?”

Her eyes flashed with anger, and her body shook. “I might have if I did not think you incapable of such a thing.”

“At least you will not be disappointed to learn that you are right! I do not love you, Selina.”

He glared angrily at her, and she did her best not to react to his words, which cut deeper than any knife. Instead, she matched the intensity of his glare, and fire erupted between them.

“As for this marriage, despite what you might think, nothing has changed since its beginning.”

“You are such a coward?—”

“I am exactly the same man you married over a month ago,” he snarled. “That is who I am. Yes, I have learned to deal with you,” he scoffed again. “Your temperamental nature. And I have taken liberties with you. But do not mistake that for anything other than what it was.”

“And what was that?”

“Convenience and nothing more.” He took a step closer, so tall that even though she stood on the stairwell, they were at eye level. They held that stare… the tension mounted. Selina felt it build, but she refused to give in. “As for the way you behaved tonight, you should know that it will not go unpunished.”

“Ha!” She made sure to return his rueful stare, their faces inches apart. “And what could you possibly do that has not already been done?”

“Do not test me.”

“Do not insult me by thinking that I fear you. You may be a terrifying man to look at. A beast in every respect,” she spat. “But to fear you? I would sooner fear my own shadow.”

It was dangerous to fight like this. Stupid too.

When the fight had begun, Selina had not considered the possible repercussions. She had known that it would be the end of them. She had known that once they were finished, this marriage would be finished as well. But that was not what worried her at that moment.

Standing over him as she was, their faces inches apart, the heat and fury building between them… it was a sensation that she knew so very well. One that had not reared its ugly head in a while. One which they used to fall back on daily because they both knew exactly where it would lead.

As things currently stood, Selina hated Benedict with all her soul. She had given him her heart, and he had crushed it, and for that, she could never forgive him. And yet… as they glared daggers at each other, as they dared each other to push that little bit harder, she knew that if he took her, she would not have it in herself to resist.

Dammit, a part of her wanted it, knowing that it would be the last time he touched her. And she hated that she did.

“You are a coward,” she snarled in his face. “And to think that I ever considered that I might have feelings for you beyond revulsion…” She cackled. “I would sooner die.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” he growled. “For my patience is running thin, Selina. You would do well to remember that.”

“And as I said before, I am through being told what to do by you.” She got in his face, so close that she could feel his breath. “In fact, once I turn around and walk up these steps, I never want to see you again.”

“Then go,” he said, his voice low. “It will not be a moment too soon.”

“Do not tell me what to do!”

“You are my wife, and for as long as you are, you will do as I say.”


She glared at him. He did the same. She could see the hunger in his eyes. She could see his hand opening and closing as if he meant to grab her. Her body flushed. It shook from adrenaline. And the way her thighs tingled…

“Now, if you do not mind…” A final derisive look and she turned to leave.

“Do not walk away from me!”

“Try and stop me!”

And that was what he did.

His hand shot out and grabbed her by the arm. She tried to pull away, but he was too strong, too powerful. He leaped up the steps, pulled her to him, and before she knew what was happening, he was on her.