Rather, the kiss was soft. It was gentle. It was loving in a way that made Selina’s heart flutter and soar. She did not want to tear her husband’s shirt off and eat his face. She simply wished to hold him, to wrap her arms around his neck and never let go because the kiss spoke of safety and comfort in ways she had never felt before…

When he pulled away, she followed him, that sense that he was tearing a piece of her to hold on to forever.

“Is everything alright?” Benedict asked, clearly noticing the change in her expression.

“Y-Yes,” she stammered, attempting to shake off the thoughts and feelings that were besieging her. “Of course.”

He eyed her curiously, and she attempted to look normal… whatever normal was now.

“Yes, yes,” Lady Langham said impatiently. “Now, Your Grace, if you remember what we spoke of a few days ago.” She widened her eyes. “Lord Langham…”

Selina was still staring at Benedict. Still lost in that kiss. Still gaping stupidly and not caring one whit that she was doing so. The room went quiet. How she was perceived no longer mattered. All she wanted at that moment was her husband, but not for the obvious reason.

“Of course,” Benedict said. “Is he here now?”

“He is just over there…” Lady Langham pointed across the room at the Viscount Langham. “And I know he would love to meet you.”

“Lead the way.” Benedict turned back and took Selina’s hand again. “Are you coming?”

Selina hesitated. “Ah… I need to use the washroom. But I will come find you as soon as I am back.”

He frowned at her, still noticing the bewildered look on her face. But her mother was dragging him toward her uncle, pushing people out of the way as she went. And Benedict, forced to follow, offered Selina a final look of concern before allowing himself to be led.

“What on earth…” Selina muttered to herself.

Her breathing was ragged. Her heart felt like it might burst out of her chest. The room spun. The walls caved in on her. She needed fresh air, a moment to composure herself, a second tothink.

Not that there was any question as to what had caused this reaction. It was so darn obvious that Selina could not believe it had taken her this long to finally admit it.

She was falling head over heels for her husband. Strange, perhaps, though it wasn’t that strange at all.

Lord Langham was exactly what Benedict thought him to be—a coward. Short for a man, skinnier than normal, and with a bent back and nose that defied convention, there was nothing remotely appealing about the man. This made it far easier and more enjoyable to walk all over him as if he were a freshly laid rug that needed to be worn in.

“… and again,” he said eagerly, as if worried that Benedict had not heard him. “Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention.”

“It should not have to have been brought to your attention in the first place.”

“Yes, of course. I simply…” The Viscount swallowed nervously, sweat already dripping from his brow. “As I explained, I have been overwhelmed with estate matters, and it slipped my mind.”

“And I am not busy? You speak as if I have no idea what it is like to manage an estate.”

“No!” The Viscount’s eyes went wide. “I did not mean to insinuate anything of the sort, Your Grace. I am just new to it, is all.”

“So, you are not ready for the title that you have inherited. Is that what you’re saying? You’re not deserving of it?”

“No, not at all,” the Viscount blustered.

Benedict raised an eyebrow, and this made Lord Langham panic further.

“And that is not to disagree with you, Your Grace. You know better than I—what I simply meant is that I am still coming to terms with my duties.”

“Rather slowly, I’d say.”

“But I shall rectify the situation, I promise you.”

“See that you do,” Benedict warned him. “As you well know, we are now family, and I like to keep a very close eye on my family. I would hate for there to be a reason for us to speak about this again.”

“There will not be one, I promise!” Lord Langham cried, his spindly body shaking horribly. “And I must say, congratulations on your marriage, Your Grace. You and my niece look as happy as can be expected.”