“You will have to do a lot better than that if you wish to tire me. As I recall, you are the one who tends to tire easily.”
“I would not go so far as to say that…”
She eyed him knowingly. “And yet I am brimming with energy, and you can hardly walk straight.”
To this, Benedict simply grinned.
It was warm in a way that he was not known for, caring in a way that she had come to understand him perfectly capable of. When the two were together, he was mostly dismissive, temper-driven, and animalistic because that was what he knew she liked best.
Selina eyed the smile and the warmth in his eyes as he looked at her. A look she did not recognize, and one she told herself she did not wish to.
It is just an act, for he promised as much. That is all.
Today was different from how the two usually behaved. It had to be.
As promised, Benedict would be on his best behavior, and she would be on hers. They were not to fight. They were not to argue. They were to present a united front, showing the love that they held so dear because they were besotted with one another as any newly married couple should be.
At least that was how it would appear.
She and Benedict were standing outside the manor as they waited and watched the carriage slowly approach. Inside the carriage sat Selina’s mother and her three sisters, finally allowed to visit after nearly an entire month.
“I cannot believe they are here,” Selina said, feeling a rush of anticipation.
“I told you I would allow it when I thought the time was right.”
She snorted. “As if you allowed anything.”
His hand rested on her shoulder, and he squeezed ever so gently. A warning. “Careful,” he growled. “I thought you promised to behave?”
She grimaced. “Sorry. And yes, thank you for allowing them to visit. I am so grateful.” A highly exaggerated fluttering of her eyelashes.
He shook his head and smiled. “Better.”
She straightened and went back to watching the carriage approach. Technically, Benedict had given her permission to invite her mother and sisters, although it had come after much arguing… and some very intense lovemaking. But she knew how to get what she wanted, so it was never really a question.
They had both agreed that this little visit would be a perfect test for the upcoming ball. If they wanted the ton to believe that they were a happily married couple, they would need to learn how to behave in public.
That meant no fighting. No arguing. No disappearing into rooms to devour one another because they could not control the urge. They would need to behave civilly and appropriately and, above all, as if they were in love.
“Mother!” Selina cried the moment the carriage pulled up before them and the door opened. “Sisters!” She ran to the carriage.
“Daughter.” Lady Langham smiled pleasantly as she paused in the open door. “You look well.”
“Selina!” Louisa poked her head around the Dowager Viscountess.
“Selina!” Isabella appeared beside her.
“Girls!” their mother snapped. “Behave!”
Selina laughed to see her two younger sisters struggling to stand still as their mother slowly stepped down from the carriage. Lady Langham wore a bright smile as she then swept toward Selina, her arms open wide.
“Oh, I have missed you!” Selina wrapped her mother in a hug.
“Selina!” The twins were on them next, joining in the hug.
“Selina!” Diana was next, scrambling down from the carriage and throwing herself into the group hug, from which their mother tried to pry herself free.