“Shall I fetch him?” Mr. Harris asked.

“No, it is fine,” she sighed and rose from the table. “I shall do it.”

Truthfully, Selina felt more stupid than anything. Dressed splendidly as she was, she did not relish the idea of sharing supper with Benedict, who would likely be wearing the same thing he had been wearing all day.

She arrived at his study and forced herself to take a deep breath. Not to be angry. Not to accuse. To joke and poke fun at his losing track of time. At least that was the idea.

She knocked softly, only to be met with silence. She knocked again, but still to no answer.

“Benedict?” she called as she pushed the door open. “Are you there?” She poked her head inside, and her face dropped when she spotted him behind his desk, head on the table, fast asleep. “Wonderful.”

She slunk inside, smiling to herself because this was the last thing she had expected. Not that she should have been surprised. With how hard he had been working, it was no wonder he was so tired.

She sat on the edge of his desk, right beside his head, and watched him for a moment. It was strange that she hardly noticed his scars anymore. They were still very much there, but she did not mind them one little bit. In fact, studying him closely—reallylooking at him because for once, she could do so without him noticing—she would not hesitate to say that he was handsome.

Without thinking, she reached out and gently stroked the side of his face. It was warm, and he shifted slightly, making her smile. They were friends, yes, but then why did that smile make her heart flutter? And why did it race the longer she looked at him…

“Huh—” His head jerked suddenly, and his body shifted.

“Oh!” She tumbled back, nearly falling off the desk.

“Selina?” Benedict was awake, stretching himself into consciousness, looking at her as if he was dreaming. “What are you… What is going on?”

She chuckled as she stood up and smoothed down her dress. “You fell asleep, Benedict. I came here to wake you.”

“Did I?” He looked around, and his eyes went wide. “Supper! Oh no?—”

“It is quite alright.”

“I am so sorry.”

“Really, it is no bother.”

He stood up quickly as if he meant to rush out of the room, but then he noticed her as if for the first time. His brow furrowed as he took in her dress, and then his lips curled into a smile. “That dress…”

She felt her cheeks flush. “It is nothing.”

“No, it is not nothing.” He looked right at her, and she tried to meet his eyes… with some difficulty, as her heart began to race again. “It is beautiful.”

“Thank you…” She looked away with embarrassment.

She could feel his eyes on her. Drinking her in. Aware of how good she looked, she had not expected his reaction, how entranced he appeared. It was more than just friendly.

Her body began to run hot. She looked at him quickly, took note of the hunger in his eyes, then looked away. This friendship of theirs had worked well for three days, but perhaps it had always been doomed to failure?

Having gotten to know one another beyond the superficial, Selina found herself wanting to say something disparaging just to stoke his temper.

Do not do it… do not tempt him…

“So…” She hesitated. “Were you planning on keeping me waiting all night?” The words came out before she could stop herself.

Benedict frowned as if he did not understand. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me?” She cocked an eyebrow. “Or perhaps I need to speak slower. For the dim-witted.”

It took him a moment to understand what she was doing, and she silently prayed that he would not take the bait. But then a smile curved his lips, and his eyes roamed down her body. He lingered on her bosom, and he seemed to subconsciously raise his hands, as if he meant to wrap them around her waist. The low growl that escaped his lips indicated just what was on his mind.

“I would not speak to me that way if I were you.”