Catherine started at his insight into his sister’s nature. That was supposed to be a secret between her and Emmy.
“I see you are shocked. I have lived with Emmy all her life, I wonder why she thought she could hide her true nature from me. Foolish girl,” Richard whispered affectionately. “As to your failure in the marriage mart, that is just because of a lack of strategy—which I intend to fix. In return for tutoring my sister, of course.”
Catherine was bewildered. How did she go from wanting to go home earlier that night to contemplating taking flirting lessons from the rakish Duke standing beside her? It seemed like a scene from the dime novels she read in the privacy of her bedroom at night.
She had a boring life, surreal things didn’t happen to her.
Well, it seemed they could, and theywerehappening to her.
“I fail to see why you would be the right instructor for these types of lessons. You are known as a rake around the ton, I wonder what you would know about attracting a proper gentleman,” she argued.
She braced herself for his anger because if this was not a direct insult to his character, she didn’t know what was. So she was shocked when he let out a chuckle.
“Sweet Cat, I was wondering when you were going to bare your claws,” he teased, approaching her with a hot glint in his eyes. “Some people would argue that my reputation makes me the best candidate for an instructor in the art of seduction. If you don’t believe me, I will be very much obliged to demonstrate,” he murmured, leaning closer to whisper the last word.
She opened her mouth to ask him to step back, but the words were stuck in her throat as she was swamped by his woody scent.
She had always been aware of him at an elemental level, but his sheer magnetism was intimidating at such a close proximity. She was shivering involuntarily in a way that she knew had nothing to do with the cool night air. Her skin felt tight beneath her clothes, and heat pooled low in her belly. It was mortifying, the way her body betrayed her when this man was near.
He maintained eye contact with her and then slowly lowered his face to hers. She was so sure he was going to kiss her, and even with her misgivings, her body still leaned towards his.
She closed her eyes, her breath coming faster than usual. She felt his warm breath on her cheek and then on her left ear. When he took her earlobe between his teeth, she hissed in pleasure.
“Call me Richard,” he murmured in that rich baritone that made her knees tremble.
She was so busy trying to catch her breath that she did not fully understand what he said, until he tilted her chin to force her to look at him.
“I think we have outgrown the use of titles, don’t you think?”
With that enigmatic utterance, he turned on his heel, leaving her shaking with unquenchable desire.
The Duke of St. George was dangerous, and taking him up on his offer had to be madness because she knew she had been moments away from begging the dratted man to ravish her, whatever that meant. The man made her lose what common sense she prided herself on having. He was dangerous to her equilibrium and reputation.
After what had happened between them, she could not simply see him as her friend’s older brother. Their relationship was irrevocably changed now, and she would be a fool to accept his offer. She had a sneaking suspicion that she might end up being the one seduced. She didn’t delude herself that she had good self-control.
All the man had to do was smile at her, and her wits would fly out the window. It was unfortunate that she couldn’t reject his offer because little Lily’s fate depended on her success in the marriage mart.
As much as she hated to admit it, she did not have a chance of finding a respectable match without the Duke’s help, as the earlier encounter with Lord Livingston had made clear.
It seemed she had to venture into the lion’s den and hope that she wasn’t devoured.
Chapter Four
“We will be having a guest this morning, so I suggest you finish your breakfast early and dress appropriately,” Richard announced, looking disapprovingly at his sister, who just strolled into the dining room in her nightgown.
It was obvious she’d overslept again, an act he’d ignored in the past but now saw as one of the many flaws she possessed. He had tossed and turned all night, wondering how she would handle the news of her impending etiquette lessons with her bosom friend, but had decided he would rip the proverbial bandage off once and be done with it.
She might hate him and even stop speaking to him for a few weeks, but it was a small sacrifice he was willing to make if she agreed to be tutored by the mistress of propriety herself.
He’d watched Catherine move and speak and charm guests, and although she lacked the ability to flirt and seduce, she wasabsolutely graceful, and he hoped she would be able to instill what she’d spent a lifetime learning into Emmeline.
“Is it someone I know?” Emmy asked as she sat, curiosity lacing her voice.
“Yes.” He nodded. “Rather intimately.”
She raised an eyebrow at his vague answer, which elicited a sigh from him. He really didn’t know how to phrase what he hoped to say in a manner that she wouldn’t see as an insult. But he’d be damned if he let someone else, with no concern for her feelings, do it.
“I invited Miss Burlow to tea and togiveyoulessonsindecorum.” He didn’t meet her eyes as he blurted out the last words.