“There is a difference between food poisoning and eating so much that you get sick, Phineas. And I think we all know which one it was.”

“I was in bed for three days,” Lord Ramsbury growled. “Your chef is to blame, and I told you to fire the man.” He looked around the drawing room for support. “I asked him personally if the veal had turned, and he assured me it had not.” He blew through his lips.

“I promoted him, in fact,” Teresa said with a smirk. “The man should not be punished because your eyes are bigger than your stomach.”

“It was food poisoning!”

“Paired with an entire bottle of brandy. Your Grace…” She turned and smiled pleasantly at Frederick. “I should warn you against giving Lord Ramsbury the name of your supplier, for once he gets his talons into him, the chances are that he’ll drain the poor fellow’s supply within a week.”

“Speaking of talons…” Frederick muttered under his breath, fixing her with a pointed look.

Hannah nudged him and chuckled, hoping he might smile at her playful reaction, but he continued to watch her aunt coldly.

“And I told you, I have quit!” Lord Ramsbury cried.

“Says the man with a glass of brandy in his hand.”

“That is not?—”

“Mother!” Hannah spoke loudly over her aunt and father’s bickering. “How are Nathanial and Stephen? I have not heard from them in so long.”

Nathanial and Stephen were Hannah’s younger brothers. Sixteen years of age, they did not live at Ramsbury Estate, having spent the past year studying in the south of England.

“They are well,” her mother said, seeming relieved to change the topic. “They were sorry that they missed your wedding, however. They made sure that I let you know.”

“I was sorry not to see them. Weren’t we, Frederick?” Hannah stroked her husband’s arm.

“We will have to invite them over when they return home,” he agreed simply, saying no more to the matter.

Hannah frowned, sensing the tension and beginning to wonder if this dinner party was such a good idea. More so when her father spoke up.

“Just one of many noticeable absences that day,” Lord Ramsbury said pointedly as he looked in Teresa’s direction. “A very small reception.”

“I am surprised you were not too drunk to remember,” she shot back smoothly.

“On my daughter’s big day?” Lord Ramsbury responded coolly. “I don’t expect you to understand the importance of such an occasion, Teresa, but I would not dream of doing anything to ruin it.”

Teresa stiffened at that, curled her upper lip, and she looked just about ready to respond in a typically scathing manner.

“Mother!” Hannah started quickly, again speaking over her aunt and father. “Are you and Father still planning a trip to Spain at the end of the Season?”

“We are, dear…” Lady Ramsbury gave her husband’s hand another tight squeeze and a warning glare to match. Not that he noticed, as he was glaring at his sister. “And we are both looking very forward to it.”

“Where will you go?” Hannah asked quickly, before anyone else might interject. “I know Frederick has been to Spain manytimes, so if you have any questions…” She looked pointedly at her husband.

“Hmm?” Frederick murmured, having not been paying attention, still glaring at her aunt.

“Spain,” Hannah said pointedly. “Mother and Father are going there in a few months.”

“Oh.” He blinked, snapping himself back into the room. “Yes, I have been often. A lovely country, if not a little hot. I would be happy to recommend places to stay and dine in, of course.”

“How generous.”

“He is, isn’t he?” Hannah kissed him on the cheek. “One of his many qualities. Certainly not his humor, that is for sure.” She chuckled, to which Frederick frowned.

Frederick was proving impossible to get a reaction out of. He wasn’t rejecting her completely, but it was similar to how he had been behaving for the last two days. Barely present. Distant. Mind clearly on other matters…

“Very generous, Your Grace,” Teresa interjected the moment she had a chance to. “Is there nothing my brother won’t use you for? He’ll be asking to move in here next time.”