“I am so glad to hear it.” Again, Teresa sounded nothing of the sort.
“It was not easy, mind you,” Hannah continued simply. “But what marriage is? We have been lucky enough to understand this, and now that the growing pains are dealt with…” A shrug and a smile that boarded on smug. “I foresee a pleasant marriage from here on out.”
“I could not be happier to hear that. Surprised, but happy.” Teresa’s tone was bitter, as was the look she gave Hannah as shetook a sip of her tea. “Truthfully, I worried about you, dear. I did. Although I was the one to arrange the initial marriage between His Grace and Selina, it was no secret that His Grace was a little… Oh, how should I put this? Cold. Many men of his station are, of course, but the Duke was said to be a special case.”
“Is that right?”
“And I did worry about what might become of his and Selina’s marriage,” she continued in a not-so-pleasant tone. “My daughter’s happiness is my first concern, after all, and the thought of trapping her with a man such as that…” She sighed and then tittered. “But I suppose I do not have to worry about that anymore.”
“You certainly do not.”
“And the fact that the two of you have found happiness…” A forced smile. “It is nice when everything works out for the best, is it not?”
“It seems that way.”
“Selina will find someone soon, I am making sure of it. A good man, I hope. Someone better than His Grace—no offense, dear. I did not mean anything by it.”
“None taken.” Hannah chuckled pleasantly. “I am simply glad that there are no ill feelings held.”
“By me?” Teresa touched her chest as if offended. “Of course not. These things happen, dear, and nobody is to blame. Even your father cannot possibly bear the weight of such a happenstance.”
“I am glad to hear it.”
“As I said,” she continued, as if to labor the point home. “I am happy about what has happened. My daughter has avoided a cold, ugly marriage, and you…” She smiled and fluttered her eyelashes. “Have somehow managed to find what I can only assume to be a love match, for how you talk.”
“It is certainly looking that way.”
If Hannah had any doubts about her aunt’s involvement in spreading the rumors, they were now confirmed. Oh, her aunt might have feigned happiness and forgiveness, but she was clearly still bitter. In her mind, something was stolen from her, something that she had every right to claim. This wasn’t even about Selina, but her own name, which she thought to have been slandered.
Hannah had wondered to herself how she might broach the subject, if she should be gentle around the edges or delve into it like a bull. If her aunt had been a little more congenial, Hannah would have opted for kindness and forgiveness. But after this little conversation, blunt force was clearly the only way her aunt might respond.
“I must say…” Hannah took a sip of her tea and then put down her cup and saucer. “I am surprised to hear how happy you are for me and His Grace.”
“Well, forgive me, Aunt Teresa, but I had come here expecting you to be a little more upset with me. After all, I did steal Selina’s intended from her. And from you, by extension.”
“Nonsense, dear. What is done is done, and I do not hold a grudge.”
“I am glad to hear it.” Hannah sighed as if relieved. “And seeing as that is the case, you might be able to help.”
Her aunt tilted her head. “Help? With what, dear?”
Hannah shook her head as if embarrassed. “I am sure that you have heard by now…” She looked at her aunt expectantly. “The rumors that have been spreading about my marriage. And my husband, for that matter.”
“Oh, they are as false as they are defamatory, of course. Why, just yesterday, I heard one that claimed I was pregnant!” Hannah laughed bitterly. “And that is the reason His Grace was forced to marry me.”
“Oh no,” her aunt gasped as if from shock.
“And that is only the beginning,” Hannah continued. “Each one is worse than the next—Frederick even refuses to leave the house! Everywhere he goes, he insists that people are talking about him. You can only imagine how upset he is?”
“I can, I can.”
“His name is his legacy, and these malicious lies are slinging mud that may never be scrubbed clean.”