“Will you speak plainly, Sister?” Hannah demanded. “You are starting to make me nervous.”

“It is Aunt Teresa,” Charlotte began, her face stricken with worry. “Even since the Duke opted to marry you instead of Selina?—”

“Oh!” Hannah took her sister’s hands again. “How is Selina? I have been meaning to write to her ever since…” A wince. “Well, you know what happened. I know she is upset with me, and I cannot blame her. But if I just have a chance to explain myself. Have you seen her? Do you know how she is feeling?”

“That is just it,” Charlotte said, her worry growing. “Although I cannot speak for Selina specifically, Aunt Teresa seems to be making it her life’s mission to ruin your husband’s reputation, and yours by the way. She is telling all and sundry that it was Selina who rejected the Duke—the reasons for this rejection vary, but none of them are good. And what is more, she is doubling down by insisting that you were some sort of last-minute resort.”

Hannah felt her stomach twist. “She… she is?”

“As if you had no other option, and the Duke simply chose to marry you out of desperation. Oh, Father is furious of course, but anything he says only gives credence to the rumors.” Charlotte looked her right in the eyes. “She is trying to ruin youboth to save her skin, Hannah. And you know Aunt Teresa as well as I do. The woman will go to any lengths to get what she wants.”


“Huh? That is all you have to say?!”

Hannah didn’t know what to say. Or what to think. At first glance, the news was undoubtedly bad. She did not much like the idea of her name being dragged through the mud for something that was not her fault, and knew that Frederick certainly wouldn’t. But on the other hand…

With how well everything was going right now, she wondered if it really mattered. Right now, her biggest concern was this marriage and what it might become. Did some silly rumors started by her aunt really matter?

“I am not sure what you want me to say.”

“That you are upset?” Charlotte suggested. “Furious, even. Aunt Teresa is talking about you behind your back in a most unbecoming manner.”

“Yes, but there is no truth to it.”

“As if that matters! And while you might not care, how do you think your husband will feel?” Charlotte raised a knowingeyebrow. “Something tells me he will not take this news as lightly as you have.”

“Ah…” Hannah’s stomach sank. “That is… a fair point.”

“You need to tell him,” Charlotte urged. “He should hear it from you, not somebody else. Now, before these rumors have a chance to spiral.”

“You’re right,” Hannah sighed, seeing the sense in it. “But then you usually are.”

This was the last thing she wanted. After today, Hannah very much looked forward to a lazy evening, one in which she and Frederick would take advantage and hopefully pick up where they left off last night. But if she was to tell him about this, what was happening, there was no telling how he might react.

Somehow, she got the sense that when he learned about it, pushing their boundaries as husband and wife might be the last thing on his mind. A wonderful day, now promising to be an awkward night. A night that would likely see her sleep alone once more… only without any sweet memories to keep her warm.

“Thank you, Charlotte,” she said sincerely. “You did not have to do this.”

“I needed to,” Charlotte insisted. “What with how this marriage started—speaking of.” She took Hannah’s hands and squeezedthem. “How is everything going between you and your husband?” She clicked her tongue. “Any progress?”

There had been, Hannah thought to herself bitterly. But that mattered little now.

Chapter Fourteen

Hannah and Frederick were supposed to sup together once he had finished putting Amelia to bed. That was the plan that they had agreed upon, but considering what Hannah had just learned, she decided that a different plan was needed.

If they dined together, the setting would steer the conversation away from anything pertaining to them giving in to their passions and desires. She would have no choice but to tell him about Charlotte’s visit, and that would likely lead to an awkward conversation, nipping in the bud her goal of making her husband lose control and take her.

So, once she bade farewell to Charlotte, she tracked down Mr. Farrow and asked him to inform her husband that she would like to speak with him privately in his bedroom before supper. And then, she hurried to said bedroom and prepared herself.

Tonight, there would be no need for a dress.

She dropped the blanket to the floor, removed her dress so that she was in just a light slip, and then wrapped the blanket around her shoulders once more. The fire was lit and left to simmer. The curtains were drawn. And as with the previous night, she found herself sitting on the edge of his bed, waiting.

After some time, Hannah heard Frederick leave Amelia’s room. She listened to the sound of his footsteps as he passed the door and went downstairs. A few minutes later, she heard his footsteps approaching down the hallway, heading in the direction of his room.

Hannah did not feel as nervous as she had been the night before, and that was for good reason. After the day they had, she had managed to convince herself that Frederick wanted this as much as she did. Oh, he might need some convincing, but she knew that he would not threaten to throw her out as he had done last night.