As the Duke of Thorne, otherwise known as Frederick, gently led his horse down the driveway of Ramsbury Estate, he could not escape the feelings of stress and frustration that had dogged him the entire week, weighing heavily on his shoulders in a way that had him hunched over in his saddle, such that his back was hurting him.
It had been messy. It had been hectic. It had been one of those weeks that he was glad to see the end of. Yet, when the week was finally over, he was not so out of the woods yet that he could finally relax. Before him stood one final task, a task that promised to be as painful as it was drawn out as it was awkward as it was tedious.
Wedding preparations. A task that no man should have to suffer through, yet one that had befallen him, as the strange circumstances surrounding this wedding all but demanded it.
“One more day,” Frederick muttered to himself as he approached the house. “One more day, Frederick. Then it will all be over…”
He did not want to involve himself in this most arduous procedure. But he felt that it was owed. Considering the hazardous nature of this arrangement, how quickly it was all happening, and the state of his bride-to-be, it was best that he involve himself to ensure that nothing untoward happened, for he wanted a wedding without complications and without drama.
To be married. To have that little annoyance sorted. To be able to put this all behind him and continue on with the rest of his life in peace… if such a thing was possible.
But before any of that might happen…
He presented himself at the front door and knocked loudly. It swung open a moment later, and he was greeted by a butler who led him into the large house, through the foyer, and in the direction of the drawing room. There, he was not surprised to find Lord and Lady Ramsbury waiting for him, although the absence of their younger daughter was worrying.
“Your Grace!” Lord Ramsbury was up and striding toward him, extending his hand for him to shake. “So glad that you could make it.”
“Yes, well, I thought it best that we get this over with.” Frederick eyed the Earl’s pudgy hand but did not take it. “Lady Ramsbury,” he said pleasantly as the Countess walked over to him, but he didnot move to kiss her on the cheek, as he was not the type to do so. “You look radiant.”
“Oh, please.” She blushed and waved him off.
“I am glad that we are finally getting this dealt with,” Frederick told them both. “My hope is that by this evening, we will have the bulk of these procedures finalized. I want a small wedding, nothing too extravagant.”
“We could not agree more. Friends and family only.” Lord Ramsbury nodded.
“And I have been thinking,” Frederick continued. “I am amenable to the ceremony taking place in your parish. Mine is quite far away, and if it means less hassle for both parties, then so be it. Anything to make this process more simple.”
“Oh.” Lord Ramsbury blinked. “That is very thoughtful.”
“As I said, I want this to be as smooth and effortless as possible. After the week I have just had…” Frederick shook his head to himself.
“All went well, I hope?” Lord Ramsbury asked. “You were able to call off your engagement to my dear niece and procure a new wedding license?”
“I would not be here if I had not.”
“Now, before we begin…” Frederick looked around the drawing room once more, just in case he had missed Hannah. “Is your daughter joining us? Seeing as it is her wedding that we shall be discussing, I cannot help but feel that she should be here.”
Lord Ramsbury’s expression tightened, and Lady Ramsbury pressed her lips together. The weight sitting on Frederick’s shoulders grew heavier at the sight, as he came to realize that this week, as long and painful as it had been, was far from over.
“I have sent for her,” Lord Ramsbury explained. “I expect her to be down here shortly.”
“We can begin without her,” Lady Ramsbury suggested. “Really, there is no reason that we cannot. I know my daughter well, so you can assume that my words are spoken as if from her mouth.”
Frederick clicked his tongue. “I was really hoping she would be here. It would be proper.”
“And she will be.” Lord Ramsbury placed a hand on his arm. “How about a drink while we wait?”
“I think that is the best idea I have heard all week,” Frederick agreed with a sigh of relief. “Please, whatever you are having. But make mine a double.”
“Good show!” Lord Ramsbury chuckled as he rushed to the liquor cabinet, where he went about making drinks. He was shaking as he did so, nervous in a way that Frederick could not help but take note of.
No need to guess what was causing said nerves. That, Frederick was certain, had everything to do with Lady Hannah.
He had been thinking about Lady Hannah all week. Far more than he had expected, truth be told. Honestly, the more he thought about her, the more he wondered if this marriage was as good an idea as he had originally thought—a marriage of convenience that was quickly becoming very inconvenient.
It had been a gamble. Faced with the situation, Frederick had elected to propose marriage to Lady Hannah because he knew that if he did not, there was a good chance a scandal might arise, and then any chance he had of marrying again would all but vanish.