“It is as your daughter said,” he began carefully. “We have not discussed it.”
“Oh, come now.” Lady Ramsbury waved him off. “You are among family here.”
“Still…” The corner of his mouth twitched. “This is a conversation I’ll only have with my wife.” He eyed Hannah warningly, and she responded in kind.
“Perhaps a toast?” Lord Ramsbury raised his glass. “To new beginnings or something of that sort?” He looked at his sister and smirked. “Oh, do not look so glum, Sister. I am certain that one day, you will be lucky enough to be making a toast like this.”
Teresa glared at him. “I consider myself lucky that I am not.”
Lord Ramsbury grinned. “I see someone is still bitter.”
“How dare you!”
He shrugged. “It is quite alright, Teresa. As you said, Selina has many gentlemen chasing her. I am sure you will have grandchildren of your own soon. Do not be petty.”
“I am just grateful that you do not have any more daughters,” she snarled. “Lest they steal another husband from my daughter.”
“Mother!” Selina gasped suddenly, the first time she had spoken all night. “Please, don’t.”
“No, I am sick of this,” Teresa hissed. “All night, my brother has acted like a bore, and this is the final straw. Anyone with two eyes can see how uncomfortable His Grace is.”
Lord Ramsbury snorted. “Shows what you know. Tell me, Sister, have you spread any more rumors lately? Or did you give up when every man and his dog realized the source? No doubt they knew the true reason you were saying such things.”
“I… that is not…”
“Face it, His Grace and my daughter are happy,” Lord Ramsbury said proudly. “I am sorry for what happened, but it really is time that we move on. Would you not agree, Your Grace?”
Frederick’s jaw was clenched so tight. Hannah eyed him, fearfully now because this was not a topic she wished to broach. And the way he was beginning to shake… she could not imagine what he might say. Or how.
“Your daughter and I are happy,” Frederick said carefully and slowly. “That is all that matters.”
“They might not be if they knew the truth!” Teresa said suddenly.
“Mother!” Selina gasped. “No!”
“Truth?” Lord Ramsbury barked. “What truth?”
“Mother, please!”
“No, I am sick of this, Selina! Sick of my brother holding this over my head like some victory!” Teresa glared at her brother. “Do you wish to know therealreason your daughter was in His Grace’s room that night?”
Lord Ramsbury frowned. “We know the reason…”
Hannah’s eyes went wide as she looked at Selina, who dared to meet her eyes, a look in them that spoke to how sorry she was for what was about to happen.
“My daughter set the whole thing up!” Teresa cried. “Not wanting to marry His Grace, she tricked Hannah into going into that room dressed as she was. She made sure we would all see it. She was the sole cause of this marriage, which you, Brother, have been rubbing in my face since the second it was arranged. A marriage which…” She smirked as she looked at Frederick’s stricken face. “I am suspecting is nowhere near as happy as we are being led to believe.”
Silence rang through the room. Heavy. Thick with tension. A truly shocking statement that had Hannah looking at her husband, desperate to see how he might react. But his expression was indecipherable, even if she could see the shadow passing behind his eyes…
Chapter Twenty-Two
Frederick sat in a state of shock as the announcement settled on his and his guests’ shoulders. Already confused by tonight’s proceedings, already feeling unsure in ways he did not like, this new development hit him like a slap across the face.
“W-what did you say?” Lord Ramsbury stammered, his eyes wide.
“You heard me!” the Dowager Viscountess declared proudly. “And although it brings me no pleasure to say it, I am afraid I have been left with little real choice. You were tricked. We all were. And this marriage…” She swept her eyes over the table. “Has been a sham from the beginning!”
“Mother!” Miss Gouldsmith moaned. “Please! It was not like that.”