“I know,” Beatrice moaned. “Yet, it’s all I can think. I know it was wrong to sneak out, but that was only because I was trying to do the right thing for once, and I understand why Edwin was annoyed, but he should not have been that annoyed. He is a duke, but he did not act like it.”
“And you are a duchess,” Charlotte reminded her. “It does not matter who’s right or wrong in this situation. It matters how you compromise. The two of you are husband and wife. That means something, whether you like it or not. Do you feel nothing for him?”
Beatrice was quiet while she thought about it. “I do feel something for him. I think that is a part of the problem. I have begun to develop feelings for him, and I thought he might be doing the same, but I know he does not return my feelings.”
“You can’t know that,” Charlotte argued.
“I did not think I could, but I saw it on his face, and I heard it in his voice. He was so angry at me, Charlotte. If he is willing to compromise, I might compromise, too. But he won’t. I know he won’t.”
“He might surprise you,” Charlotte said. “I know my husband did.”
“And I am overjoyed for you, Charlotte. Especially after you had to deal with the mess I left. You were strong enough to make it right, but I don’t know if I can be like you. I have made another mess for myself, and I tried to make it better, but I made even more of a mess. I’m scared that if I try again, it will end my marriage before it has truly begun. I am theRunaway Bride! What will they call me when my marriage fails after only a few weeks?”
“It has not come to that,” Charlotte pointed out. “I have been in a dire situation. My marriage has been entirely different, but there have been problems, too. We overcame them when I thought we would not, and we came out stronger on the other side. I know you can do the same.”
Beatrice sighed. She did not know if she had the strength to do the same. Or if she could without putting her foot in it.
She was angry at how angry he had been with her, but she missed him too. She had spent a lot of time running away from her problems, but this was the first time she wanted to run back toward them and face them head-on.
Still, she was sure she would make more of a mess of it, and she had seen how angry her husband had been. It might be best to give him some time to calm down.
If he ever calms down.
“You can’t tell Mother and Father about this,” Beatrice warned. “I came to you because there was nowhere else I could go. If they find out I have run away from my husband, it will kill them. It took me a long time to get Father to speak to me again, and if he finds out about this, he might never speak to me ever again.”
“I shan’t tell them,” Charlotte promised. “But you can only stay here for so long before it begins to look suspicious. I am about ready to give birth, and it is all fine and well to have you here, but the longer you stay, the more people will start to talk. And if what you say is right, then they are already talking about you.”
“It is only one person pulling all the strings,” Beatrice noted. “If I can get proof that Miss Jennings is behind all of this, I can put a stop to it. Then I might be able to fix my marriage.”
“Oh, she never liked us, did she?” Charlotte shook her head. “I remember we debuted the same year, and she took an instant dislike to me. She thought everyone should bow down to her because her family had a little money and power.”
“She was jealous of you,” Beatrice agreed. “You were so beautiful when you debuted. I would have been jealous if I had debuted in the same Season.”
“I remember she was jealous of you too, after meeting you,” Charlotte noted. “You have a way with people, and you can charm them easily. Miss Jennings was never able to emulate that.”
“My tongue also gets me into trouble,” Beatrice added.
“I wonder if she ever plotted to ruin me,” Charlotte mused. “She has obviously set out to ruin you. I presume that is why you snuck out.”
“Yes,” Beatrice admitted. “I know someone who might know someone who might know something.”
Charlotte giggled.
“Please don’t laugh at my misfortune,” Beatrice moaned.
“I can’t help it sometimes,” Charlotte replied. “You have so many problems of your own making, and don’t forget that you made some problems for me, too.”
Beatrice sulked and drank some more tea.
“So, when will you see your husband next?” Charlotte asked.
“I am hoping he will come knocking,” Beatrice admitted. “I made sure that he knows I am here. Failing that, I shall see him in a week. We are supposed to attend a charity gala. I have no clue how that will go. We are supposed to attend together, but if he does not come knocking, we will see each other there for the first time in a week.”
“We shall have you ready,” Charlotte said. “If it is a day or a week, you must be ready to see him again, and that means doing all you can to make a great first impression for the second time.”
“My second first impression can hardly be worse than my first one,” Beatrice drawled.