Page 89 of Deadly Cravings

“I didn’t even know it was an urn,” I gasped. “What’s in there?”

I turned my attention to Asher, not wanting to see the hate in Jax’s expression or the unsympathetic aggression in Ren.

“It’s Imogen’s ashes,” Asher said, still eyeing me in a way he hadn’t before.

My body went utterly numb.They were reacting like this to the dead woman’s ashes?

My heart thundered in my ears.

Ren crossed his arms, leaning against the wall as he watched me. At least he was no longer near me.

“Please let me explain myself,” I croaked.

“She was sent here by Calliope,” Jax accused. “The entire fucking time, she played with us.” He gingerly sat the urn down on a step of the staircase.

Asher tensed and turned his attention to me. His reaction was slower.

“Is this true?”

I was already shaking my head. “She wanted to make a deal?—”

His expression became icy.

Jax lunged in my direction. My eyes widened so much that it hurt. I scooted backward until my back hit a wall, and I sucked in a breath.

“Human trash,” Jax hissed, getting in my face. His fangs flashed in my face and my eyes fastened on them. My psyche was dragged to my horrid memories and my hands shook. Asher pressed his palm to Jax’s shoulder to shove him back a few steps.

“Enough,” Asher responded sharply when I opened my mouth. They weren’t even letting me explain myself.

“Don’t act like you’re a fucking saint, Asher. Your goal was to turn her into your blood-whore before I gave her my blood,” Jax spat. An airbag slammed into my body, tossing me into the dark pit of my psyche. I gasped, my shoulders hitting the wall from my shock. Asher’s mouth tightened and that was all I needed for confirmation.

My throat closed up. I thought he cared about me . . .

My watering gaze lifted to Ren and he watched happily, eyes attached to my neck.That was all I was. A blood bag. Human. Stupid. Those thoughts swirled in my head squeezing my chest in its vice.

My heart throbbed painfully. They may as well have yanked it out of my chest.

The lack of faith... it hurt so very badly, but I should have never had expectations from vampires.

“I thought you knew me,” I whispered. Jax stilled, a sneer lifting his lips as he shoved past Asher, stalking toward me. There was no room for me with the memory of Imogen making them react this way. And I knew it was a lost battle. I couldn’t and wouldn’t fight with a memory. Not that I could win even if I tried.

“Know you?” Asher remained frozen in place while his twin was only steps from reaching me. “Catalina, we trust no one,” he said, studying me.

“Least of all a pitiful human girl with nothing to her name.” Jax’s cruel words speared my heart.

My throat clogged up, tears blinding me. I couldn’t breathe.

“Let’s end this now.” Jax’s hand wrapped around my throat and he slammed me on the wall, pinning me. My feet kicked out, and I thrashed desperately as I struggled to drag oxygen through my mouth, but it was no use. Spots danced in front of my vision. An arm wrapped around Jax’s throat and Asher pulled him back, a string of sentences in their language spilling out. My knees buckled under my weight, but I used the wall to steady myself.

“Did you attempt to turn me into your blood-whore?” I croaked. Asher’s gaze sharpened on me.

“Leave,” Asher hissed. He pushed Jax who finally stopped immediately trying to come at me.

“Not until you answer me,” I screamed back. The tendrils of my sanity slipping from my fingers.

“Yes,” Asher hissed, and rushed at me. He gripped the back of my neck and shoved me toward the door. I lost my footing and slammed to my knee. Agony spiked up my leg to my hip.

Ren’s shoe stepped on my hand splayed on the ground and he pressed until something popped. My stomach lurched and I bit the inside of my cheek as tears dripped off my chin. He knelt.