After turning off the light switch, I peeked out the door. Clear. The door snicked shut and I made my way to Tobias’s room. My steps padded down the hall and I was again engulfed in Tobias’s comforting sweet scent. The light was already on, so I quietly closed the door. My eyes stuttered over the vase on top of the long dresser I’d grabbed a shirt from.
I hadn’t noticed it before, but I guess I was too busy looking for a shirt to bother looking up. Then once I’d gotten the clothing, I’d been staring at the picture of the woman in his dresser.
I neared the dresser it rested on. It seemed harmless. The black surface reflected the light. I leaned close to study the lid covering the top. Just as Calliope described, there were little engravings that looked like thorns, but the lighting was too low for me to get a good look.
I reached for it and hugged it to my chest. It kind of looked like an urn... but that didn’t make sense. I reached down and tugged at the knob, but it didn’t budge.
I better stop less I free some sort of curse or something. I wasn’t even sure if curses existed, but I wouldn’t be surprised, considering vampires did.
The back of my shirt was suddenly bunched and I was jerked back. I stumbled and fell to my knees. A painful sting radiated up my legs, but I worked to keep hold of the vase thing. I tugged against the hold and my shirt rode up farther.
“What are you doing with that?” Jax hissed.
“J-Jax,”I whispered. His glare was so intense it hurt to look up at his face. Out of all the times he’d sneered and frowned at me, it was never as severe as right now. My fingers tightened around the vase, and I licked my lips.
“Calliope—” I rasped.
Jax scoffed, a sneer lifting his lips, he snatched the vase from my fingers.
“You’re a traitor, then,” he hissed and grabbed my arm so tight I yelped. With the same hold, he dragged me down the stairs, my legs giving out halfway. The edges of the steps hit my shins.
I screamed in agony. He tossed me forward and I thumped onto my knees. I winced at the burn and struggled to push to my feet.
My shirt was gripped again and I squeaked, pushing to my tiptoes so I wouldn’t choke. I coughed and the pressure relented. I dropped to my ass. Ren stood over me with his eyebrows high.
I couldn’t get a word out as I struggled to breathe. I was already shaking my head, trying to wrap my thoughts around their visceral reactions.
“L-let me explain.” I coughed.
“You’re a human,” Ren said slowly. “Why should I listen to you?” I blinked at him as he tilted his head. The look in his eyes was eerie and spine chilling. “How about I just snap your little neck.” He grinned and stepped toward me.
I scrambled back, struggling to breathe. My heart was beating so fast. Everything was too much.
“Jax—help,” I wheezed.
His eyes narrowed and he sneered.
“I thought you would protect me,” I rasped thoughtlessly. I couldn’t get the proper words out. He didn’t even let me explain myself before throwing accusations.
“Why would I protect a meaningless human?” Jax’s words socked the breath from my body and I froze, hugging my chest.
“W-what?” I gasped. After everything I’d done for them . . .
Just then, Asher sauntered into the foyer, the door leading outside swinging behind him as he gawked.
“What’s going on?” he asked when he saw them staring down at me.
“She was trying to sneak out with this,” Jax said, lifting the vase. Sneak out was a bit of a stretch.
Asher narrowed his eyes on me. “Where were you taking the urn?”
Urn. My guess was correct.
Horror prodded my chest. And my hands shook as I lifted them.