Page 76 of Deadly Cravings

I shivered, slinking behind a curtain and tipping my head back, breathing deeply.Get a hold of yourself, Cat.It wasn’t like I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I was in over my head. My fingers curved into the raspy curtain material.

A particularly high-pitched laugh brought my attention to the left. I clocked Calliope perched on a couch and surrounded by a small crowd.

My fingers tightened on the material. To leave or to talk to her. If I went up to her right now, I ran the chance of her just ending me then and there, but if I managed to find Ren, imagine how relieved the guys would be?—

I squeaked as a hand gripped the back of my neck.

“Why are you looking at my sire so intently, my dear?” My yelp cut off when he slapped his palm over my mouth. I lookedup at the pale vampire, his curly hair falling over his forehead. The smile was deceptively approachable.

“Oh, n-no reason.”Very convincing.His eyes swept down my body and he took in my outfit.

“I don’t believe you belong here.” His smile became deadly and he shoved me forward by the neck. I stumbled about five times. A few vampires looked over derisively, but they continued with what they were doing after the disgusted expression, like vampires dragging humans around were a normal thing.

Calliope looked up along with her companions and her eyebrows lifted. Curly Hair brought me to a stop, and pushed on my shoulder. I thumped onto my knees with a wince.

“Crimson Coven human.” I straightened my spine and tipped my chin up, going for false bravado.

“Calliope.” Some of the vampires surrounding her gasped and she smiled.

“You have guts.” Calliope brushed her hair back and smiled at me. “Or, you’re just stupid.” A woman sat beside her, spine straight as she smiled cheerfully. “Everyone leave.”

The three vampires she’d been talking to dispersed quickly and the one holding my neck tightened his hold before releasing me and melting into the crowd.

“Who’s this, Callie?” The brown-haired girl eyed me wearily. She had a small pixie face and even sitting I could tell she was much smaller in height.

Calliope gripped her chin and kissed her hard.

“Just an intriguing nuisance, Freya.”

The way they looked at each other was kind of sweet. I shook my head and snapped out of my woolgathering.

“Where’s Ren?” I asked low. I couldn’t hide my fear, my words trembled on my question.

“Is this regarding my mistake from decades ago?” Freya pouted and crossed her arms. “I told you, Cal, I wasn’t in my right mind.”

Calliope ruffled Freya’s pin-straight hair and stood, approaching me.

“You have strange tastes if you’re looking forthatpsychopath, human.” Calliope said, lifting an eyebrow. “If you’re so intrigued with finding him. I’ll take you right to him.” I had to angle my neck to look into Calliope’s face.

She moved like lightning and my socket pinched from suddenly being yanked to my feet.

I scrambled after her. I banged my arm into a vampire and rushed out an apology as I ran to keep up. There was no glance of Tobias anywhere. This was not good. My lungs did not like me right now. She went through an alcove and the music was practically nonexistent as she guided me down a hall. Where was Tobias?

“I’m sorry?—”

Calliope stopped and looked down at me.

“I pity you.” My apology slash plea for freedom stopped mid word.

I pursed my lips. “Why?”

“Because you care for them, but you’ll either end up dead or a blood-whore.”

The words smacked me across the face, and I swallowed hard as the knot in my gut flexed. She kept on her ground-eating pace.

“Why do you think that?” I asked between pants.

“I’m sure they haven’t told you about their bitch?—”