Page 63 of Deadly Cravings

I nodded shakily, focusing on the heavy vampire half-draped across my legs. He hugged my broken limb to his chest like it was some sort of toy. His gaze was hyper-focused on my face to the point that it surprised me holes weren’t burning into it. With my other palm, I tugged at his forearm holding my other arm down. Bastien loosened his hold enough for me to slip my crushed hand free. He scooted closer, and his ear pressed to my upper thigh and arms wrapped around my legs. Hopefully they wouldn’t be next. I paused my pulling, panting at the pain. Jax gripped my arm and helped me pull it up to him. Each minuscule twitch sent a wave of electricity throughout my fingers.

“Holy, shit,” I croaked, whimpering into Jax’s chest. Bastien looked up at me, tilting his head. I rubbed my thumb across his forehead.

“Yes, Pet, keep at it. He’s responding to you.” Asher sounded half-awed and half-excited. With his perverse sense of . . . everything, I was positive that was not a good thing.

Asher knelt by the bed.

“Hurry it up, Jax,” Asher snapped, jerking his chin toward my too limp hand. Jax’s grunt vibrated against my back. His thumb pressed into my wrist and I tensed up.

“That’s hurting her,” Asher snapped.

“Yes, well, I need to feel around to know the extent of the damage.”

Asher’s brows furrowed as he focused on Jax’s moving hand. Shards of pain struck my nerve endings, and I tensed up so hard against Jax it felt like my muscles would snap. Asher caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers.

“He destroyed your hand.” My throat tightened at Jax’s words. Tears flooded my eyes and they trickled from the corners. “It will take you a long time for this to fully heal, and even then, it may not feel right.”

I blinked quickly, but regardless of how many times I blinked, the tears wouldn’t stop. Exhaling shakily, I trembled against Jax. This couldn’t be. I was a writer. My hand was my life. My pulse shot to hell and a panic attack loomed over me.

“Pet. There’s another way I can help you?—”

“No,” Jax snapped, his body tensing.

Asher’s teeth clicked together and I pressed my eyes tightly shut until the tears allowed me to see. The twins stared each other down.

“You’re not tying yourself to her, Asher.”

“Tying yourself to me? What does that mean?” They were acting too weird. My mouth dried up like a raisin.

“When vampires share blood w?—”

Jax slammed his teeth into his own wrist in a swift move and then pressed it to my lips. I sputtered against his skin, muttering at him, but his grip didn’t loosen.

Liquid trickled into my mouth and a sweet taste spread on my tongue, tightening my belly. I swallowed on instinct and a rush of energy spilled through me.

I moaned, my eyelids fluttering closed as I sucked in another gulp.

“What the fuck was that?” Asher snapped. They settled into a rapid argument in their language.

I lulled against Jax, comfortable and blissful. My belly felt warm and toasty as the blood spread throughout my body. Jax lifted his arm from my lips and tugged out of my grip trying to keep him close. I hadn’t realized I’d clung onto him.

My wrist twinged and the ache dulled significantly. Panic obliterated the hazy, lustful blanket that spread through my veins. I sucked in a breath as I lifted my hand, gingerly twisting it in a circle. There was hardly a pinch. My eyes wide, I lifted my stare to Asher. The edges of my vision faded for a split second, and then refocused.

“I feel . . . better,” I said, slightly slurring my words while actively working to ignore the sensitivity between my legs biding me to grind against Jax. Asher was still glaring at his twin. I twisted to look at him, making sure not to jostle Bastien too much. “Why did you do that?”

My tone sounded more accusing than I’d meant it to.

Jax’s jaw tightened and he pushed me forward. I grunted as I flopped toward Bastien, and Jax slipped out from behind me.

Asher shook his head as Jax exited. A pit balled in my stomach when he disappeared, settling uncomfortably. I didn’t feel as comfortable or warm as I’d felt in his arms.

I scowled and pressed my hand to my stomach, fighting the urge to rub between my legs.

Asher sighed. “He didn’t give you too much, so you should be clear-headed in a moment.”

What did that even mean? I scowled harder. I poked at the furrow between my eyebrows.

“This was why I wanted to give you my blood, I wouldn’t have a fit every other second and march off,” Asher said . . . mumbled, whatever. I shook my head, struggling to focus.