I valiantly tried to contain my whimpers, but I just couldn’t, it hurt too much. Her head cocked and she stopped applying pressure to my wrist, she used it as an anchor to force me still. She blurred from the tears leaking down my cheeks.
“Shut up, no noise. Zilch.” She shoved up quick and fast. Something popped and I screamed. My head swam and nausea roiled through my gut.
“In all my days I have tortured and ordered humans not to speak, they never have . . .” Her words buzzed in conjunction with my ringing ears. A sob erupted from my throat, and I backed up, cringing into the other vampire standing at my back.
“I can’t compel you.” Her brows lifted high. She lowered her tall body, peering closely into my eyes.
“Ram your body into the wall until you can’t anymore.” Christ, that was sadistic.
“Fuck off,” I said between pants. All I wanted to do was run and hide, but at least I’d die with a bit of dignity.
I cradled my limp arm with the other, tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn’t move even my fingers.
She suddenly tipped her head back and laughed.
“They’ve really outdone themselves looking for Ren.” She chuckled. “He’ll be quite livid when I mock him about this.” She knew where he was. She clicked her tongue in disappointment. “Poor girl, you’ve really embroiled yourself with the most traitorous, violent, sadistic group of creatures you will ever encounter.” I didn’t know what that meant but it hurt... and scared me.
I blinked.What did that mean?Nerves tightened my chest, but she released my face and stepped back.
The door crashed open, rupturing as Asher slammed into the room.Thank God.His gaze swept the area, hair blown back as he slitted his eyes. Matt’s grip on my waist tightened.
“Don’t touch her,” Asher hissed.
I wanted to crumple in relief at the sight of him. I sprinted right toward him.
He cupped my cheek, and although I could tell he was looking down at me, I couldn’t make out his expression becauseof my falling tears. His palms dragged down my neck and to my shoulder.
I gasped, flinching from pain. Asher hissed.
“I’ve never seen you so... passionate about one of your whores, Asher.” A mocking tilt coated the woman’s words.
“You bitch,” Asher snapped, eyes briefly flashing red. In that moment he reminded me of his brother.
The woman scoffed. I could no longer hold my head up, so I set it against his chest, using him as a perch. I garnered as much strength as I could. He needed to know about Ren.
“She has Ren,” I interjected.
Asher stiffened, his palm settling on my waist.
“Release him, Calliope.”
“Nope, he’s paying for his sins.”
“You, righteous, bitch,” Asher hissed. “It’s been decades. You’re just pissed that he fucked your female. It’s not his fault you can’t keep a reign on your bitch.”
“Shut up,” Calliope snapped, eyes flashing. “He tricked her for that bitch of yours.”
“How did you get an upper hand on him?” Asher’s chest vibrated with his question.
“No. No. No. Trade secret. Kind of like your little human here. Quite a special one.” I peeked over at her and found her smirking.
“If you don’t?—”
“No threats,” she shouted. I jolted, startled. “Yes, your coven is stronger than mine. I fucking know.” She sounded bitter. “But you must still respect our customs, or I’ll let everyone know you’ve broken the sanctity of territory laws. We would all move against you. You’ve all collected quite the long list of enemies in making your way to the top.”
“You’reholding him.”
“He trespassed onmyproperty, breaking vampire decorum. You know this. He cannot leave unless he plays a little game with me.” She smirked. “You know how we like our games.” She twirled the end of her short hair. “Fortunately for you, I just want to make him suffer a little.”