Page 48 of Deadly Cravings

“Did that Crimson slut set a trap in you? Poison your blood? Anything to target me?” His eyelids narrowed.

“No,” I answered succinctly and deadpan. His palm snaked around the back of my neck. I didn’t like the smile that curved his lips.

“Has he fucked you?”

“Yes.” The truth slipped out, but it sounded like he knew Asher well if he was calling him a slut, so it seemed like shooting myself in the foot if I said no.

He swirled the still-full glass clinging from his fingertips. The dark red liquid sloshed against the sides, the blood’s residue creating a film on the sides.

“Come with me.” It wasn’t a request. These damn vampires seemed to have an aversion to consent. The bland smile didn’t reach his eyes. I nodded because if I spoke, it’d come out as a croak. He carefully set the full glass on the bar and stood in an eerily smooth motion.

He guided me to the door to the side of the space, palm flat at my spine. The door creaked and I licked my lips, wringing my hands in front of me at the dark staircase leading down. It was like one of those staircases leading to a basement where a serialkiller kept you for a few days before they slaughtered you. I dug my fingernails into my palm. This whole being around actual vampires, not the fictional ones I wrote, was messing with my psyche. I doubted I could ever return to my blissful fascination.

I grabbed hold of my skirts as I descended, to keep me from falling on my face. I stepped onto the platform, and he hooked his arm around my waist, guiding me to the left instead of to the strobing lights down the hall. When he opened the door, soft yellow lighting flooded my eyes.

The only person in here was an elegantly dressed woman with beautiful skin a few shades darker than mine. Her bow lips tipped up at the corners as she stared me down from the elaborate throne she sat on. Curving gold plated legs wound upward in an elaborate design toward the base where her ass rested.

The door creaked shut at my back and his grip suddenly slid over my belly, feeling me up. I yelped, a tremble starting at my hands. What was he doing?

“Don’t move,” he ordered.

His hands slid up my side and he felt under my breasts. I gritted my teeth, remaining stiff while he fondled my ass, and then slid his hands down my outer thighs.

“Doesn’t feel like she has anything on her. Shall I strip her?” He was already lifting my skirts and I held my breath, waiting for him to see the button Jax strapped to my leg.

The woman crossed her legs and waved her hand.

“No need, Matt,” she said with a tilt to her words. “She’s human, we’d incapacitate her before she tried anything.”

My chest pumped erratically but my shoulders loosened. Still, Matt’s hands remained on my waist.

“Do they think I’m this stupid? That I don’t know they’d try their little tricks?” The female vampire mused, crossing her long leg over the other.

I kept my mouth shut.

“What, did they tell you to spy for information?” A smirk lifted her lips and I blinked, stunned.

Who was this woman? Seemed like her and the guys knew each other well, but there was also a certain disdainful curl to her lips when she spoke of them.

I cleared my throat.

“What are you talking about.” My words warbled as they came out, shattering the illusion of strength I was trying to convey.

The woman snickered and she swayed over, the bottom of her dress dragging on the ground. She was all sharp edges and angles, deadly and beautiful. Her pointer finger lifted my chin. “Tell me, do you know where they’ve relocated?”

I met her eyes, the intensity intimidating. I licked my lips.

“No,” I croaked, forcing my gaze to remain on hers.

“Disappointing.” She pursed her lips. “But at least I can dismember you and litter you around the slut’s car.”

My stomach dropped to the depths of hell.

She grabbed my upper arm and lifted.

I screamed, tears springing to my eyes. I couldn’t even reach for the button. Was this how it ended? In a creepy attic and because of some feuding vampire?

“Silence,” she drawled. “I quite hate when you humans get too noisy.” Then, she twisted my arm again. Shards of agony splintered from the point she held me up to my shoulder and neck. Like she was shoving my bone into the other.