There was a pause before he spoke again, a subtle edge creeping into his words. “Who were the roses from?”
I swallowed, keeping my voice calm. “My boss.”
“Elliot sent you flowers?” he asked, his voice darkening. “Why?”
“For a job well done,” I said, trying to keep it casual. “What did you think they were for?”
Slade’s silence spoke volumes. When he finally answered, his voice was tight. “Michael Elliot is a womanizing jerk. He likes to screw with women for fun. I just want to make sure you weren’t one of them.”
My jaw tightened. Anger flickered through me. “Do you think I’m that stupid? I wouldn’t sleep with my boss.”
“I didn’t say you would,” he replied coolly, “but he has a way of charming women.”
I could feel my frustration bubbling over. “How do you know so much about him? He’s been nothing but decent to me.”
“Word gets around,” he said dismissively. “I worry about you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made a play for you.”
“Are you threatened by him?” I challenged, my pulse quickening.
“By Michael?” Slade scoffed. “Hardly.”
“He’s been respectful,” I repeated, trying to calm my racing thoughts.
“I’ve got my car downstairs,” he said, changing the subject abruptly. “I can pick you up in a little while.”
“Way to dodge the question,” I muttered.
“Do you want to keep talking about Elliot,” Slade said, his voice dropping, “or focus on the fun we’re going to have this weekend?”
I exhaled slowly, leaning into the shift. “The fun.”
“Good,” he replied, his tone lightening. “I was thinking we could rent some jet skis.”
“I’ve never been on one before,” I admitted, smiling despite myself.
“You’ll love it. They’re awesome.”
“I can’t wait.” I pulled a light yellow tank top from the closet. “I’m getting changed now. Come get me.”
“Fifteen minutes,” Slade said smoothly. “Wait for me in the lobby. No need to park.”
“Got it.” I hung up, tossing my phone onto the bed as I slipped into a pair of cut-off shorts and flip-flops.
As I made my way to the kitchen for a drink, my phone buzzed again. I answered without checking the screen. “What now?”
A low, familiar voice cut through the line, sending a shiver down my spine. “Is that how you answer the phone, Miss Kincaid?”
Michael. Instantly, my nipples tightened at the sound of his voice. “Where did you disappear to today?”
“I was busy,” he murmured, his tone silky smooth. “But I’m making one last attempt to convince you to join me this weekend.”
“I can’t,” I said, my voice firmer than I felt. “I have plans.”
“Break them,” he commanded, his voice like a dark caress.
I clenched my jaw. “You can’t just order me around and expect me to comply.”
“Why not?” he purred. “You were like putty in my hands this morning. I still have your scent on my fingers.”