Page 19 of Unleashed

“Yes.” He exhaled like it had been weighing him down for years. “I have for a long time.”

Then why didn’t you protect me? The thought screamed inside my head, and before I could stop myself, the words tumbled out. “Then why didn’t you protect me?! Why am I forced to go somewhere else to get what I deserve?”

Slade stood abruptly, running a hand through his hair. “I could only do so much, Morgan. I bowed out of the decisions for promotions voluntarily.”

I let out a hollow laugh, shaking my head. “You said your father didn’t want you involved.”

He stopped pacing and looked at me, his face hardening. “If I was involved, I would choose you all the time. But if we dated, he’d think I was showing favoritism.”

I stared at him, stunned. All this time, the little jokes, the late-night banter—everything had been leading to this? “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“That I was in love with you?” Slade stepped closer, his gaze intense.

“Yes. All those silly games and the things you said as jokes… they weren’t, were they?”

He shook his head, regret flashing in his eyes. “I meant every word, Morgan. You’re stunning, intelligent, and wonderful. I don’t want to miss seeing you each day.”

I couldn’t hold back the bitterness in my voice. “It’s too late, Slade. I was burned too many times by this company.”

He paused, then asked quietly, “What’s Elliot paying you? I can double it.”

I scoffed, the absurdity of his offer hitting me hard. “How would that look if we dated?”

To my surprise, his face lit up with hope. “You would consider it?”

I rolled my eyes, my words slipping out before I could stop them. “Or at least some hot sex.” It was meant as a joke, but the way his face fell made me instantly regret it.

“I don’t just want you for sex, Morgan,” he said softly, his voice carrying more weight than I expected. “I want you as my partner.”

I pressed my palms to my temples, overwhelmed by everything that was happening. “This is… so much to take in.”

Slade took another step closer, his presence commanding the room. “Have lunch with me. Let’s talk.”

“I’m leaving, Slade. Soon, everyone will know.” I rubbed my temples, trying to ease the pressure building in my head. This was too much—too fast.

His lips curled into a smile. “No, they won’t. I told HR to put your resignation on hold.”

My eyes flew open, and I shot up from my chair. “Are you out of your mind?! You can’t do that!”

Slade remained calm, his gaze steady. “I can. And I have. Go to lunch with me.”

I pointed at him, shaking with frustration. “You’re an ass.”

He grinned. “An ass who’s in love with you. Please, Morgan. Give me a chance.”

I stared at him, feeling a mix of anger and something else—something warm, dangerous. “Bastard,” I muttered under my breath.

Slade arched an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“Why couldn’t you say something sooner?” I said, my voice trembling.

He raised his hands in mock defense. “Me? You can’t take a hint.”

I folded my arms, glaring at him. “Slade, you can’t just come in here and throw the love card out to make me stay.”

He stepped still closer, his tone soft but insistent. “It’s not just that I love you. I want you here. I value you.”

I shook my head, the walls closing in. “It’s better if I leave. Maybe we can date then.”