“Yes, and I will do anything to protect my family,” I say.
“Does Drake know you are here?” he asks.
“No. And he doesn’t ever have to find out I came here. I am asking you now to stop this now. Just leave the Raven’s alone. If not, I will take this straight to the police,” I say, holding up my phone, which was recording, that I had stuffed in my pocket.
Josh’s eyes go straight to the recorder and then he snaps his fingers. What happens next, was like a blur. Before I could react, two men grabbed me by the arms and forced me to stand.
“What the hell,” I cried out.
Josh leaped out of his seat and grabbed the recorder out of my hands. Then, he shoved a white towel in my face and I struggled to breathe as I fought against him. The world around me began to grow dark and the last thing I saw was Drake’s face in my mind.
Chapter 23
“Answer the phone,” I yelled, as I slammed the phone down on the bar.
Storm and Ryder eyed me carefully as I dialed Lacy’s number again.
She had been quiet last night after Josh came to the bar. When I had closed down the place, she had made love to me all nightlong, but never spoke a word -- other than calling out my name every time I made her climax.
Now, I was growing worried. Her classes ended at noon today and she wasn’t scheduled to work at the boutique. I had texted and called her numerous times without a response.
Axel was on his way home to see if Ivy knew anything.
Nothing about this felt right and I couldn’t settle down.
“What is going on?” Storm asked.
“I can’t get in touch with Lacy. This isn’t like her,” I stammered, as I dialed her number again.
“Maybe she is just busy,” Ryder suggested, but I caught him eyeing Storm. Neither of them would say it, but I knew they were getting worried, too. Slapping me on the back nervously, Ryder offers a laugh. “Maybe she finally smartened up and left your ass,” he lightly chuckles.
“Maybe,” I grumbled, trying to act as though I’m not as terrified as I am. My stomach is rolling and my heart feels like it is beating at a million miles per hour. I’m starting to sweat and my hands are shaking.
Suddenly, I see Lacy’s name flash across my screen and I breathe a sigh of relief.
Storm’s shoulders relax a bit as I show my brothers my phone.
“Hey, where are you?” I shout out, not waiting for her to say anything.
But, what I hear on the other line causes my heart to stop and the world around me to pause.
“Hello, Raven,” Josh’s snake-like voice sings through the phone.
From the way, my face goes pale and my teeth grind together inside my mouth, my brothers can instantly sense something is wrong. They both stop and stare at me, waiting for something...anything.
“Josh, where is Lacy?” I ask, my voice shaking with rage.
“Oh, she’s around. It seems your pretty little girlfriend came to pay me a visit,” he says.
I put the phone on speaker and as I do, I see that Axel is trying to call me. I instantly decline his call, right now, the only thing that matters is finding out why Josh has Lacy’s phone.
“Put her on the phone,” I growled.
“In a minute. Right now, we need to discuss business,” Josh adds, his voice laced with laughter.
Ryder snaps his fingers and several of the guys in the bar and who are also part of the club, make their way to where we are at the bar. I hear Ryder whispering to them, but I don’t bother to listen.