After everything that happened over the last year, I had realized that I couldn’t keep living life in a stand-still mode. My brothers were all moving forward and making huge life decisions. Now, it was my turn.
Glenn began speaking and he brought me back to reality and out of my own thoughts. “Asking price is $400,000. The lot hasn’t had a lot of interest so I am sure we could talk them down a little.”
I felt my heart drop all the way down to the pit of my stomach. That was way more than I had saved up, and it would take me another few years to get the rest together. I guess, for now, this was going to have to just be a dream.
I found myself back behind the bar again several hours later. The place was starting to get packed and with each body that entered through the door, the music became louder. I could feel myself growing agitated, but there was no true source for my frustration. Maybe it was that Ryder hadn’t listened and stocked the beer wrong. Or maybe, it was knowing that my plans with Lacy would have to wait a little longer.
I was ready to make a huge commitment; marriage, a house, and a new family.
But, all I saw was a ticking clock rolling backward. With each drink I served, I felt like I was drowning in the cool liquid that was soothing everyone else.
“Hey man, you ok?” a voice broke through my thoughts.
I looked up and saw Axel watching me with a concerned expression over his dark features.
“Nothing man, I’m fine,” I spit out.
“Drake, can you just stop for a minute?” Axel asked.
I stopped moving the beer bottles around and looked up and met my brother's eyes. “Yeah.”
Axel sighed and then ran his hands through his dark hair. “Look, I know you think you are this strong, tough guy, but you can talk to me. You have taken care of all of us over the last few years. I see something is wrong, let me in,” Axel pleads.
I feel my shoulders slump as I look at my younger brother begging me to tell him my problems. I have always been their fearless older brother. My job has been to push down my own emotions and ensure that they were all ok.
“It’s really nothing. Just had a rough day. I wanted to buy something, but I need to save a little more money,” I admitted.
It took a lot for me to share that with Axel, even if I was being pretty discreet.
“Anything I can help with? I mean, this bar brings in a lot of cash. Are you looking at buying a new bike?” he asked.
“The bar brings in good money, but this purchase needs a big down payment. But, it’s not a bike.”
Axel raised his eyebrows at me. But, before he could open his big mouth and ask any more questions, Ivy came bouncing into the bar. Throwing her arms around Axel’s neck, she quickly distracted him. Thankful for the save, I moved on down the bar, and hopefully, as far away from that conversation as possible.
“Why are you running from Axel,” Ryder asked, laughing as he watched me slide behind the cash register.
Damn, I can’t get away from my brothers.
“You don’t know what you are talking about,” I mumbled, as I pretended to look over the daily sales.
Laughing, Ryder ignored me. “So, I’ve got Josh here again. I really think you need to hear him out. The job offer he has for us could bring in some big money,” Ryder stated again.
I had been halfway ignoring him, until he mentioned the money again. Suddenly, my interest was piqued.
“Look, you know how I feel about allowing outsiders into the clubhouse. Dad and Grandpa didn’t run the clubhouse that way,” I reminded him.
I needed to ensure that this Josh guy was alright. I needed to keep my club safe. Sadly, we had learned the hard way too many times that there was always someone out there waiting in the shadows, just ready to take you down.
“He seems legit. Look, I wouldn’t have brought him here if I didn’t think this could be good for all of us. You told him you would meet with him, so why not now?” Ryder asked again.
I wondered what he was getting out of this, but I would ask him that later. Nodding my head, I gave Ryder the confirmation he needed to wave Josh over. Of course, Josh was sitting in the back of the bar, watching our exchange.
This felt like an ambush, but right now, all I had on my mind was money. If Josh could help me get one step closer to the life I wanted to give Lacy, then I would at least sit down and hear was the guy had to say. I just hoped my conscious led me the right way.
Chapter 7