Page 96 of Breeding Clinic

“That shit looks like it hurt,” Matthew says. “I like giving pain more than taking it.”

“Don’t you want to be completely in the pack?” Gabriel asks.

“I won’t force you,” Liam says, interrupting their arguing. “It’s your choice.”

I like that. That he cares enough to ask, to offer, instead of demanding. He’s gonna be a good dad.

Liam bursts into a purr as he hears the echoed pride I have when I think of him.

“What is happening?” Matthew says, looking between us.

“They’re mated,” Gabriel says. “They’re linked now so they have more awareness of each other. Thoughts, moods, feelings.”

“Like… psychically?” Matthew asks.

“Not like words,” I tell him. “More like… impressions. They’re stronger when you’re closer. Fainter when you’re apart. And if you’re too far apart for too long, it fades unless it’s renewed.” The day my connection faded completely, I didn’t get out of bed. It’s a terrible thing to lose your bond. But I’m happy it brought me to this moment right now. I wouldn’t go back and trade this for anything.

Gabriel gives Matthew a curious glance. “How did you not know this?”

“My parents are betas, remember?” Matthew says.

“Didn’t you pay attention in health class?” Liam asks.

Matthew shrugs. “What… what does itfeellike?”

“Like being really in tune with your partner,” I tell him. “Knowing if they’re happy or sad or angry. Echoes of thoughts or feelings, but not actual words. It’s kind of like they’re always with you in a way.”

“Oh.” His expression softens, turning thoughtful. “That sounds nice.”

“It can be.” It can also be agony. My depression messed with Josh’s head. It made it hard for him to focus on his games. And I’ve heard a few horror stories from other omegas. Ones with abusive alphas. But I won’t have to worry about that. I picked a good one. Maybe the best.

Liam squeezes me like he heard the train of my thoughts and kisses my temple. I smile and cuddle closer to him.

Gabriel shucks his jacket off, rips his tie off, and starts on the buttons of his shirt. He peels it away and moves to the seat next to us. “Do it.”

Liam shifts me, settling me beside him. He pulls Gabriel closer on the other side. They stare into one another’s eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too,papai. Now bite me.” Grinning, Gabriel twists his head to the side and pulls his shirt down to bare his shoulder.

Liam pulls the beta to his chest and envelops him in a hug. “This’ll hurt without the distraction of sex.”

I snort. It hurts even with sex. But it’s a pain that’s worth it. Lust is easy. That’s animal instinct. The rush of chemicals zipping through your body. It’s love that’s hard. That takes work and understanding. What endures beyond the hardships that come. Burdens are easier to bear when you’re with the ones you love.

“I’m ready,” Gabriel says, steeling himself.

Liam pulls Gabriel close, fitting his mouth to the weak scentgland in the beta’s neck. Gabriel gasps when Liam bites, but he doesn’t push the alpha away. He grunts. “Harder,papai. I can take it.”

I know exactly when their bond forms. When Liam pulls away, his teeth are stained red. Blood trickles down Gabriel’s chest, staining his crisp white dress shirt. Liam pulls him in again and laps at it, making it bleed more. Helping it scar and cleaning the wound with his special saliva made for this purpose.

“Fuck. Okay,” Matthew says, slowly unbuttoning his clothes. “That wasn’t too bad without all the growling. I guess we’re doing this.”

Gabriel prods gently at his bite mark at the base of his neck. He slides down so Matthew can fit between them. “You’ll be fine.”

“You don’t have to if you’re not ready,” Liam says, offering Matthew an out.

Matthew shakes his head. “I’m not going to be the only one without a claiming bite.”

Liam pulls Matthew in gently. Cradles him in his arms. He starts with kisses until Matthew’s lean frame mellows. When he finally bites, all Matthew does is stiffen and breathe harder. Their connection joins the pack and I smile as I watch his eyes get glassy with unshed tears.