Page 84 of Breeding Clinic

What if she wants to go back to her original pack? He’s famous and rich. A world renowned athlete. What can we really offer her that he couldn’t? She’s proven she can get pregnant now. What if he decides he wants a second chance? What’ll happen to us? Our baby? Panic grips me. I don’t want her to go. And not because she’s carrying our child. Because I love her. And I think I’m starting to want more than friendship from her.

“We had other issues, Kat.”

She closes her eyes and sighs, then opens them again. “I know.”

“You aren’t broken or bad. Clearly. I mean… Look at you. You’re huge.”

Now Kat shoves his hands off her. “Oh my God! You’re such a dick sometimes.”

“Yeah but it made you less sad,” he says. “I mean it, though, Kat. You’re not broken. You’re not a bad omega. And you’re gonna be a great mom. I’m glad you moved on and found a new pack. Although your new alpha might be a bit of a dick. You might want to watch out for that one.”

“Liam?” She clocks her head. “He’s been nothing but sweet to me.”

“He threatened to break my legs.”

She perks up. “He did?”

“If he ever hurts you, tell me. I can help you get out. It’s the least I can do.”

I bristle at his implication. That Liam is a bullying alphaholewho’d ever lay a finger on one of us in anger. He would never.

Kat waves his offer away. “I’m fine. But… thank you for caring. Tell your mom I said hi.”

He takes a step back and shoves his hands into his pockets. “Do I get to hear when you’re due now?”

Kat rubs a hand over her pregnant belly. “January. It’s a girl.”

“A girl.” Josh smiles wistfully. “I hope she looks exactly like you. You were really cute in pigtails.”

“Thanks. I hope she has her daddy’s eyes.”

Josh backs up and pulls his car keys from his pocket. He clicks a button that makes a sporty red luxury coupe beep. “I should go. Before your alpha comes out with a baseball bat.”

Kat and I watch him drive off. I close the distance between us before she can leave too. I need to see how she is. What she’s thinking and feeling and if she’s okay.

“Did Liam really threaten to break his legs?” she asks.

“Yeah. That guy was lucky I was there to talk Liam down.”

Her face is unreadable, and then she breaks out into a smile that makes my body unclench. “I wish I’d seen it.”

Her grin is infectious. I smile and close the small gap between us, pulling her into a hug. “He growled too.”

“Really?” She tips her head up and rests her chin on my chest. “Think he’d reenact it for me tonight?” Kat waggles her eyebrows.

Absolutely.Liam’s being delicate with her because of her state. But he can be a caveman when his rut is riding him hard. “I think he could be persuaded. But if you really want to get him going, you should try edging him. Liam hates how much he loves it.”

Her eyes sparkle with amusement, and she squeezes me before letting me go. “Good idea.” She zips around me.

“Where are you going?” I call out, chasing after her. She’s surprisingly fast for someone who’s pregnant and has a slight waddle. “Aren’t you gonna be late for your friend?”

I follow her into the pub and the crowd watches us as we find Liam. Liam doesn’t have a chance to ask if she’s okay before Kat grabs him by the shirt and pulls him down. She forces him to either bend or rip the collar of his shirt.

He bends down for her.

Kat smashes her lips to his in a scorching and awkwardly long kiss that’s full of tongue and groping. A few of the regulars at the bar hoot and cheer. When they come up for air, Liam looks at her with a dazed expression.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?” Liam asks.