Page 73 of Breeding Clinic

“What color do you want?” he asks, confused.

They have twenty options for bed curtains but none of them are right. They’re all solid colors. “Not those.” I grab Gabriel’s hand and lead him to the regular curtains where they have patterned ones. “These.”

I hand him the curtains that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since I saw them. They’re a bluish-green and muted with a cream, gold, and green floral motif embroidered on them. They’re also expensive and you only get one panel a package instead of a set. We’ll need eight for the bed. It’s hard to justify spending a grand on bed curtains. But they’re perfect.

My omega instincts won’t let me walk away now that I’ve seen them in person. They’re prettier than they were online. Thegold threading is metallic. It gives them a subtle glimmer in the light.


It’s probably the pregnancy, but my nesting urges have been off the charts lately. I’ve rearranged my bedroom three times and stolen dirty clothing from each of them to hide underneath my pillows. A workout shirt from Gabriel. An undershirt from Matthew. And a pair of Liam’s boxers that he sleeps in. Soon I won’t have to rely on stolen garments with fading scents. I’ll have their pheromones direct from the source in my nest. I wish we were ready to close on the house. The wait is killing me.

“Pretty,” Gabriel says, tossing the curtain into our cart.

I count out the rest and grab seven more, adding them. A bedding set in the distance catches my eye and I’m off on the hunt. They exchange amused looks while I test the bedding’s texture swatch against my cheek. If I’m going to be ass up for them for every heat then I want something that’s soft against my face.

“Did you realize there were so many options?” Liam asks the others.

I don’t pay attention to their quiet conversation about thread counts and ply. I’m too busy touching swatches and rubbing sheets together to hear if they squeak.

Not smooth enough.I don’t like their microfiber.Flannel would be too hot.Their jersey knit is awful with the way it almost tries to stick to my skin when I pet it.Too stretchy.I brush my fingers against my jeans to get rid of the memory of its texture. Their high thread-count cotton is nice, but once I find the satin, I’m done for. I pick a creamy color that’s a shade lighter than the lightest tone in the curtains. Then I balance out the silkiness of the sheets with a textured cotton duvet cover in a muted leaf green hue.

It’s the throw blankets that get me while I’m trying to pickout pillows. There’s a velvet tasseled throw with a leaf pattern that’s been burned into it. The price of it is nuts. It’s a throw blanket. It won’t keep us warm. It’s purely decorative. Decadently, vainly decorative. I try to put it back, but my fingers refuse to unclench and drop it.

“Do you want that?” Matthew asks quietly.

I can afford it. I live modestly. My books do well. And the interest I’ve earned on my settlement money goes up every month without my lifting a finger. I deserve a pretty throw blanket I can afford. But it seems kind of selfish to want it. We’re going to have a baby very soon. Kids are expensive. We’ll need to save for college one day.

But it’s so damn pretty.

“Kat,” Liam says, distracting me from my spinning thoughts.

“Hmm?” I say, distracted. He cuts me off by grabbing my chin and turning my face to him.

It’s such a small, innocuous gesture. A dominant act he probably doesn’t think twice about. Then he smiles. A slow, sexy grin that makes me pulse between my legs.Oh, he knows. Has he been reading more of my books?

“Put the blanket in the fucking cart, kitten,” he says, his voice husky.

Slick makes a damp spot in my panties, and his nostrils flare, scenting me. My arousal. I blush. “It’s stupidly expensive.”

His eyes darken as my scent overpowers my nullifying wash. “But you like it, so we’re buying it. God, you’re so fucking cute. I love seeing you shop like this. It’s terrifying. Put the blanket in before I spank you for being naughty. For not listening to your alpha when he gives you an order.”

Oh, God.That’s the worst thing he could say to me while I’m working to get my pussy under control.

“Fine.” I can talk him into that spanking later. I let Gabriel take the blanket from me and add it to the cart. “But if any of you get cum on that I’ll cry. I don’t think it can be laundered.”

“Buy two,” Liam says to Matthew. “In case they discontinue it.”

Matthew takes another one from the stack and adds it to our rapidly filling cart.

I make a dismayed sound, but Liam distracts me with a swat on my ass. The blow is dampened by my clothes and doesn’t sting, but it makes my damp spot grow. My blush deepens. After so much semi-public fingering and fucking, I didn’t realize I could still be embarrassed by getting turned on in public.

“Remember those days?” An older alpha and omega couple nearby chuckle, and I know it’s us they find amusing.

“Pillows,” I tell Liam, trying to distract my pack.

It works. He drops his hand away and tugs me against his side, walking us over to the section with pillows. I pick them in a daze, too distracted by Liam. His hand wanders while I study the row of them. He makes circles with his thumb over my waist. Caresses the flare of my hip. Occasionally slips down to fondle my ass through my jeans. The fact that I didn’t wear a dress or skirt is probably the only thing saving us from getting banned from Nested for life.

When he tugs my back against his front, his thumb grazing the underside of my breast while he rubs my rounded belly, I can’t take it anymore. My eyelids blink slowly and my next breath comes out as a pant. “Liam, I can’t think when you do that.”