Page 68 of Breeding Clinic

“Everything okay?” Matthew asks from across the yard, a hand raised to shield his eyes from the sun.

“Yeah!” Liam waves. “Put in the offer. Pending inspection, we’ll take the house.”

A half-hour later while I lick my melting ice cream, my mood is completely changed. Satisfied. This has been a whirlwind of a day. Anxious worrying. Elated house touring. The rush of putting in a bid on my dream house. Happy weeping. And now ice cream.

Gabriel and Matthew take turns sampling each other’s flavors. Liam steals a bite of mine when I’m not looking.

“Hey!” I jerk my ice cream away, careful not to lose the top scoop. “Didn’t anyone tell you not to steal ice cream from a pregnant woman?”

“I must have missed that day in health class.” Liam makes exaggerated movements like he’s going to steal another bite.

I twist, keeping my cone out of his reach. Ice cream melts down my hand, making a sticky mess of me. The powder-coated lattice metal seat sticks to my thighs where my dress rode up when I sat, keeping me from getting far.

“Is he bullying you?” Gabriel asks.

“He is!” I shout.

“It’s melting,” Liam says. “I was helping her finish.”

“Here.” Matthew hands me a stack of napkins to wipe the trails of chocolate off my hand before it can drip all over my dress.

“Thank you. See?” I give Liam a pointed look. “That’s how a gentleman behaves.”

Liam reaches behind me, grabs a handful of ass, and squeezes. “Must have missed that day of health class too.”

That one ass squeeze is enough to trip my mind from ice cream into dirty thoughts. It doesn’t take much to get me excited these days. And Liam likes to take advantage of that every time he can.

I glance around to see if anyone is watching. Most of thepeople crowded around the ice cream shop are hanging out on the shaded porch where you order. It was more crowded when we first got here. But the group of kids in baseball uniforms are gone now.

We ended up at the only table that was open, the one at the end of the gravel courtyard by the fenced-off trash. It doesn’t smell the greatest, which is probably why nobody else wants to sit back here.

Liam drops his hand onto my thigh, then drags it inward. He nudges, insistent. His fingers dig into my skin.

“Spread,” he orders.

My nipples tighten and I stiffen. “Here? Really?” Despite my protests, a wet spot forms in my panties.

Liam gets up and sits down sideways on the bench seat. His body cages me in, and his hand goes back to my thigh. Shoves his hand in between them, even though they’re clenched together. His thumb rubs my skin where my dress rides up my thighs.

He leans down close to my ear and makes a hungry sound. “I finished my ice cream and now I’m in the mood for a different kind of sweet treat. I’ve always liked cookies better anyway.”

I swallow. The wet spot in my panties gets bigger. “There are people here.”

“There are,” he agrees. “But they’re not paying attention to us. You’ll want to be quiet then. And fast. Can you do that for me, kitten?”

After a moment of hesitation, I give in. “I guess that depends on you.”

His grin shows a hint of alpha fang. “Is that a challenge?”

“It might be.”

I let my knees fall apart. He runs his fingers up my inner thighs. Ghosts them over my panties. Rubbing lightly. Thenfirmer. Tracing the seam of my sex through the thin excuse of fabric. My pussy’s wet and they stick to me, a damp spot growing until they’re slick. The way he rubs my mound leaves me aching.

“I’m always up for a challenge,” he says, stroking my clit again. “Let’s see how fast you can come and how quiet you can be.”

My ice cream melts, forgotten. He hooks my panties aside and touches me, finally. Skin to skin. I’m so wet. There’s no resistance as he presses the tip of his finger between my lips and strokes my clit.

“Mmm.” I bite off my moan and mash my lips together. It’s nearly impossible to stifle the sounds I want to make when he rubs my clit like that. With practiced, firm circles.