Page 50 of Breeding Clinic

Liam grabs his wallet from the bag. “I’m going to see if I can buy us more ice. I don’t think we packed enough to last us for the day.”

“Come here,meu docinho.” I squirt sunscreen into my palm and rub them together, then rub it into her skin. She’s so damn soft.

“I can do my front,” she says.

“Nonsense.” I ignore her protests and take my task seriously, rubbing sunscreen over her from head to toe. Applying it carefully to her pretty face, making sure I get her neck and ears. She holds her hair up for me. I move around to her back, making sure to work the sunscreen along her nape and underneath the edges of her suit.

For her legs, I kneel on the blanket and run my hands up and down each one. When I get to her ass, I have fun groping and teasing her while I make sure that area’s protected from the sun, too. I work my hands under her bikini bottom.

Kat gives me a knowing look. “I don’t think my ass is at risk of getting burned.”

“You can never be too careful,” I tell her, moving to the other buttock. “Skin cancer is no joke, and you’re pale.”

Once she’s fully coated, I pull my shirt over my head and slip out of my sandals and shorts. Kat’s eyes travel immediately down my body. “Wow,” she says. “Those are tiny. And tight.”

“Do you like what you see?” I tense my abdomen, showing off the extra work I’ve been putting in at the gym lately. Matthew tosses me the bronzing oil and I spray it on my chest and abs, rubbing it in. I make sure to dip my coated hand below the edge of my tight red Sunga shorts. I started wearing them after my first trip to Brazil to meet my extended family. Getting your first pair is like a right of passage for the boys there as they turn into men.

Kat rips her eyes away from my cock and the way it strains my swim trunks. She sees the oil I’m rubbing all over myself. “You’re not worried about skin cancer for yourself?”

“No.” By the end of the day, my skin will be nice and dark. I tan quickly, and my base tan from jogging shirtless has already gotten me halfway there. Kat, on the other hand, is blessed with none of my melanin. I don’t want her creamy skin to burn and peel. Matthew either. He turns as red as a lobster, then bursts into freckles. “Sunscreen?” I ask him.

Matthew nods, and I wipe the tanning oil off my palms with a towel, then grab the higher spf sunscreen for him. I rub him down, coating him thoroughly. I get under his suit, using the excuse to knead his ass and bump my cock against his. His shorts are loose and dark blue. They hide his thickening cock better than mine.

“They were sold out of ice,” Liam says, coming back empty-handed. He shoves his wallet into the bottom of our bag to hide it.

“Sunscreen?” Kat asks him.

“Thanks, kitten. Wanna rub me down?” Liam stands there and lets Kat tend to him, coating him in white sunscreen and working it into his skin. When she copies us by groping himunderneath his loose patterned swim trunks, I can’t help but grin. She’s a fast learner.

Liam grunts, but holds still for her until all of us are coated. She clicks the top closed and tosses it into our beach bag. “All done?” Liam asks.


“Good.” He scoops her up, and Kat shrieks, alarmed, as he carries her through the crowd toward the water. “Because I’m gonna need the cold water afterthat.”

Matthew and I follow them to the water.

“Don’t toss me in!” She wraps her arms around his neck and clings to him.

“Of course I won’t.” Liam seems offended that she thinks he’d do such a thing. “But I’m not letting you walk. The sand is hot. You’ll burn your feet.”

“You’re ridiculous.” Kat rolls her eyes, but smiles. But the smile drops from her face when she gets her first taste of the water’s temperature. “Crap! That’s cold.”

“It’s better to get it over fast,” Liam says, wading in without stopping.

Fuck, it’s freezing. She wasn’t kidding.

Kat struggles in his grip, gasping as cold lake water splashes her legs and ass. “Oh my God! Wait… wait! I’m not used to it yet!”

Liam ignores her complaints and carries her in deeper until the water laps at her neck. “See? It’s better if you get it over with quickly.”

She clings onto him like a baby koala. “Don’t you dare drop me.”

“Never.” The look Liam gives her is obsessive. When rowdy kids next to us splash around, he turns them so the cold droplets hit his back. Ever the gentleman.

“Hey, Mattie,” I say, giving Matthew a side eye. “Were you ever baptized?”

Matthew looks up from the stray water plant he’s picking off his back. “No, I’m not religious. Why? Wait… No.” His eyes go wide with fear.