The tech hits a button on the machine, and then a rapid fluttering whooshing fills the room. Kat and I both perk up at the sound. “Is that?—”
“That’s a good heartbeat,” Kat interrupts. “It’s fast.”
Fast is… good?
The tech takes a recording, then says she’s done. She pulls the ultrasound probe out and disposes of the condom, then hands Kat a stack of napkins. “You can get dressed. The doctor will be in shortly.”
At the door, the tech pauses and looks back over her shoulder. She smiles at me. “Good job, Daddy.”
Kat sits up and pulls her heels out of the exam table’s stirrups. “Oh, he’s not the dad, he’s the sperm donor.”
My smile drops off my face, and the ultrasound tech freezes. “What?” I ask her. “I’m the father.”
She better not tell my kid that I’m their sperm donor. I’m going to be there. For every baseball game and school dance. Each scraped knee and scribbled drawing.
Kat looks at me like I’ve grown a second head and sits up, her knees pressed together. “You’re a sperm donor. I picked your profile out of a donation book.”
Alarmed, I glance at the ultrasound tech for help. “No. I signed up for co-parenting. My pack doesn’t have a breeding partner.”
“Your pack,” Kat says, her eyes getting bigger by the second. “No. What? You’re mistaken. I came here for a sperm donor.”
We both stare at the ultrasound tech. “I’m gonna go get the doctor. Wait here,” she says, then dips out.
Kat jumps off the exam table and scoops the gel frombetween her legs, then chucks the napkins in the trash. This time I don’t bother to turn my back while she changes. She pulls on her panties, shorts, and sandals. Then she takes the patient gown off and throws it into the wicker basket in the corner.
“What are you talking about?” she asks.
“I didn’t sign up for sperm donation,” I tell her. “That baby’s half mine.”
“No. Oh, God, no. What the fuck? This is not happening.” She drags her hands through her hair, pushing it away from her face. The color drains from her, and she wobbles where she stands.
“Sit down before you pass out.” I put a hand on her arm so I can grab her and keep her from hitting her head if she faints. I put a little alpha command in it so she knows I’m serious. This woman has my baby in her belly. Her wellbeing is my highest concern.
Kat plops her ass into the chair next to me. I try to talk to her, but nothing I say to her stirs her out of her shock. It’s like she doesn’t hear me.
A while later, the door opens and an older, balding man with glasses appears. “Please follow me. We’ll talk in my office.”
We follow him into his office where he shuts the door then motions for us to sit. He takes up his padded leather chair behind the desk. “I’m Dr. Fugo, and I’m sorry to have to explain that there’s been a clerical error with your paperwork.”
A lump forms in my throat and I swallow past it. “What exactly does that mean?”
“Ms. Daniels came here for sperm donation as a single parent. She matched with you, a co-parent seeker, by accident. We’re investigating this to find out what happened. Our computer system is designed to prevent this type of error. All of our donors are codified by donation type. Co-parents gothrough a rigorous meet and greet before their match is verified. Ms. Daniels, can you tell me about your initial visit here? Is Mr. O’Donnell the donor you picked?”
“Yes.” Her voice is faint, like she’s barely aware of what’s happening. “The binders…”
Dr. Fugo pulls two files from a cabinet behind his computer. “I found your paperwork from the day you came in for treatment. The consent forms you signed are for co-parenting.”
Kat frowns and leans forward. “No. I… I was in heat. Whatever she gave me, I signed.”
A sick knot of dread builds in my stomach. They can’t. They can’t take my baby from me. It’s half mine. I didn’t sign up to be some anonymous sperm donor. I point at her still flat stomach and stare the doctor down. “That baby is mine.”
She looks at me, her expression turning murderous. “You can’t have my baby. You have no idea what I’ve gone through to have it.”
“Legally speaking,” Dr. Fugo interrupts us, “the baby is both of yours. Because you opted for natural insemination and… I’ll be frank, you had intercourse. The law is very clear. Anonymous sperm donation can only be done through artificial means. Our co-parents have a lengthy matching process. Monitored natural insemination is done for legal purposes.”
“What does that mean for me?” Kat asks him.
“Legally, this baby belongs to both of you,” Dr. Fugo says. “I know this is a shock. This isn’t what anyone planned. And we’ll be investigating our computer system and talking to the staff who were here that day. To make sure this never happens again. For now, why don’t you go home? Your baby is healthy and developing perfectly. We’ll see you back again for blood work, Ms. Daniels. The girls up front will call you to set up the appointment. Here’s the packet I give to all new parents. Read it. Sleep on it. And most importantly, talk to each other.”