Page 137 of Breeding Clinic

“That’s a good idea,” I say, smiling.

“I’ll have the real birds and bees talk with them all when they’re older,” Gabriel says. “And the dynamics talk when they hit puberty.”

“Thank God,” Liam says. “I wasn’t looking forward to that.”

“What time is the doctor’s appointment tomorrow?” Gabriel asks.

“Five,” I answer. “Can you make it?”

“One of the other PAs is coming in early to cover the rest of my shift,” Gabriel says. “I’ll be there.”

The next day passes in a hectic blur until Chelsea knocks on the door in the afternoon. Waffles and Syrup both come running. “Hi, Chelsea. Come on in. I stocked the soda and chips you like. Help yourself to whatever’s in the fridge. We won’t be out too late tonight.”

“No worries,” she says. “I’m always happy to baby and pet sit.”

I take a minute to catch up with her. “How’s grad school? You’re almost done, right?”

“Good. And yeah.” She tucks her long hair behind her ear. “Only one semester left after this one.”

I’m glad for her, but also terrified to lose her. She’s been a blessing to help us whenever Jen is busy. “Have you thought about what you’re doing after?”

“I want to start my own company,” she says.

“So you’re staying here?” I ask, hopeful.

“Probably. There’s nowhere else I really want to go.”

Before I can ask her what kind of business she wants to open, she scoops Waffles up and starts talking to him like he’s a baby. Waffles eats it up, purring. She carries him into the livingroom where the girls are watching an animated musical and coloring.

“Chelsea!” Holly yells. “Do you want to color with us?”

“Of course. Do you have pink?”

“We have lots of pink ones.” Holly digs through her crayon box and pulls out every shade of pink she can find.

Gabriel brings Lily down from changing her and gives the baby to Chelsea to hold. Our babysitter grabs a piece of paper and starts drawing flowers and hearts and cat-eared anime girl doodles.

Chelsea glances at the TV. “Is that Rapunzel? She’s my favorite. I like her dress.”

“Because it’s pink?” Holly asks, scribbling across her own paper.

I lose track of the rest of their conversation while I check that we have everything. My phone, wallet, new insurance card, and Liam’s keys. We head outside, locking the door behind us, and make the short drive into town.

“Fill this out with any changes,” the receptionist says, handing me papers.

I take the clipboard and fill out the all too familiar paperwork. Our ultrasound tech is new, a beta named Ashley. By now, this routine is familiar. But that doesn’t stop my pack from being a nervous wreck. Liam is nearly crawling out of his skin. Today is the day we find out the baby’s sex.

“Okay, that’s everything I need. I’ll grab the doctor.” Ashley sets the probe in the holder and steps out.

A few minutes later, our obstetrician comes in. “Hello again,” he says, smiling. “So are we ready to find out the sex?”

“Yes,” Liam says, sitting on the edge of his seat.

The doctor sits down and adds more jelly to the probe. He puts it on my abdomen and finds the angle he wants. Then he smiles. “Congratulations. It’s a boy.”

Relief and happiness wash through me. We did it. All of that hell I went through was actually worth it.

“A boy,” Liam repeats. “It’s a boy?” He stands up abruptly and does a fist pump. “A boy! Finally. Oh my God.” Then he fists his hands in his hair, leaving it crazy looking. He leans over the screen, invading the doctor’s space. “Are you sure?”