Now Matthew looks interested. “What sort of diet?”
“Foods rich in sodium and potassium for a boy rather than magnesium and calcium.”
Matthew makes a thoughtful sound. “So no more chocolate during preheat.”
It’s a small price to pay if it works. As much as I love the onesie, it feels like bad luck to buy it early. Like it’ll jinx things.I leave it on the rack and throw a yellow one with lambs on it into our cart instead.
Liam grabs the baby shampoo and bedtime lotion the girls like from the cardboard display and adds them to the cart. “What’s the timing thing about?”
“Something about how boy sperm swim faster so you want to wait until closer to the end of the heat,” I say.
“Interesting.” Liam seems thoughtful for the rest of our shopping trip. Matthew loads our cart up with potassium rich foods. Leafy greens, avocado, potatoes, and bananas. And of course our traditional cabbage. Lily’s six months old and eating solids. This next baby will be our last one. After baby number four, I’m getting an IUD. Each birth has gotten easier and faster since Holly’s surprise entry, but still. Four kids are enough. We don’t want to become outnumbered.
We pick up the prescription Dr. Fugo called in on the way home. When we get home, Gabriel is passed out on the couch in a cuddle pile with all three girls. Our youngest, Lily, is curled up on his chest. They’re good nappers. Their favorite show, the cartoon with the dogs, is still playing in the background. There are toys and stuffed animals everywhere. It’s like a bomb full of plastic shrapnel went off. We bring the groceries in and put them away as quietly as we can.
Waffles’ excited meow and Syrup’s rapid tail thumping wake them. They’re excited we’re all home. I pop Lily on my hip and put the bananas away. Then Matthew waves me away, saying he’ll finish, then get started on dinner.
After dinner, the kids have tub time. A quick nighttime feeding for Lily. Then teeth brushing and, finally, stories. The others each take a kid while I put our littlest down in her crib and make sure her baby monitor’s on. By nine, they’re asleep.
I collapse with my pack on the couch, watching some TV show that’s mostly forgotten about. Matthew brings me twofrozen cabbage leaves. I crunch them and shove them down my nursing bra and shiver as they make my sore nipples harden.
“I’m always sad to see them go,” Liam says, eying my breasts. They’re not as full as they are when my milk production is higher or right before a feeding. My supply always drops off quickly once the babies start eating solids.
I snort. “You’re just sad you can’t touch them for the next five days.” No breast or nipple stimulation outside of Lily’s feedings. It’s firm bras and cabbage leaves and ice packs for me for the next couple of days.
“Can you blame me?” he asks. “They’re glorious when they’re full of milk. Still, it’ll be worth the sacrifice.” He puts a hand under the throw blanket and palms my stomach. Leans in close to me and drops his face next to mine. “I can’t wait to put my son in you,” he whispers into my ear.
“We should practice,” I tell him. “Make sure we remember how.”
It’s harder to find time alone, all four of us, with three kids. Two of us can sneak off easily for some adult time, but it’s difficult for all of us to disappear together now. It’ll be easier once they’re all in school. Jen thinks I’m crazy for having so many close together, but at my age that was a necessity rather than a choice. And I love my girls. I can’t imagine a life without them anymore, even when it’s hard.
Liam kisses my throat, making his way down to my mating bite. He nibbles it, making my scent gland perfume. “Good idea, kitten. Let’s get that pussy nice and ready for your heat because once your fever spikes, you’re not getting any dick until it’s time for me to get you pregnant.”
Part of me is excited. It’s going to be an edging like no other. But the rest of me is worried that it might literally drive me insane.
My future self is probably gonna hate me for this.
My preheat lasts onlya few hours. It’s gotta be the extra strong meds, or maybe my age. I’ve heard that heats get more unpredictable with age before they eventually stop altogether.
“Liam,” I whine, gripping onto him. My hips swiveling to work myself on his fingers. But fingers aren’t what I want. “Please.” It hurts. The endless cramping. The bottomless need. The constant river of slick flowing down my thighs, soaking into the nest.
“Sorry, kitten.” He doesn’t sound sorry at all.
I growl and reach for his dick.
Liam chuckles in response, and Gabriel grabs my wrist, pinning my arm above my head. I growl louder, jerking my arms to test his grip. Gabriel’s grasp tightens. Fighting them is useless. They’re all bigger, stronger, and more determined than me.
My previous resolve to hold out as long as I can is a faded, distant memory. I need a dick in me and I need it now. I might die if I don’t get it.
“Keep growling at me, hellcat, and I’ll let Matthew take over.”
What sort of alpha leaves his omega in heat without dicking her down into the mattress first? I growl louder still. Jerk harder against Gabriel’s restraint, trying to get loose. To pounce on him and make my alpha put his cock in me.
Liam shakes his head and pulls his hand from my pussy, leaving the nest. Leaving me? Panic makes me whine. No, Ineed him. I need his safety and his knot. His protection. Where’s he going?
Matthew comes into view, eying me thoughtfully. Always thinking. Calculating. He leans over, blotting out my view of my alpha. “Don’t worry.” The beta grins. “I’ll keep her distracted.”
With his dick?I perk up at the hopeful thought.