Page 120 of Breeding Clinic

When the baby wakes up from her nap and starts to fuss, everyone heads out to get a cup of coffee from the cafeteria while I nurse her. Liam, Matthew, and Gabriel crowd around and watch, talking about what’s left on their to-do list.

“I think I got the car seat base installed correctly,” Liam says.

“Jen can double check it if you want,” I offer.

“I’ll finish baby proofing the house when we get home,” Matthew says.

“You have months to do that,” I tell him. “It’s not like she’s going to be crawling around anytime soon.”

Matthew shakes his head. “I’d rather have it done and not have to worry about it. I’m just glad we had the entire house tested for lead when they painted. Are we forgetting anything?”

I motion with my free hand to the mountain of gifts covering every horizontal surface. “I’m sure whatever it is, it’s in there.”

Everyone went a bit crazy considering this is the first grandchild for all four families. And with the move and renovations, we never got around to having that baby shower.

There’s a knock on the door and then a nurse enters holding paperwork. “Hi. So good news, you get to go home. We got your labs back and everything looks great. Just call your doctors to make your follow up appointments. I put some extra supplies in here,” she says, handing us an enormous trash bag. It’s full ofdiapers, wipes, and cream as well as stuff for me like witch hazel pads and a peri bottle and dozens of mesh underwear. “You can take anything you want from the room except for the linens. It’s all gonna get thrown away, and I’d rather you have it than send it to the dumpster.”

It’s way more generous than I was expecting.

“Here’s your discharge instructions and a list of emergency numbers. If you need anything, call.” The nurse hands me a paper to sign, then takes out my IV and leaves me to change.

Gabriel holds the baby while I change into my clothes.

The drive back home isn’t too long, and I sit in the back so I can make sure that she’s okay in her carrier. I tuck the blanket tighter over her harness to keep her toasty warm.

Once we’re home, Waffles meows incessantly as we open the door. Matthew gives him one of the baby blankets to sniff while the others unload the truck. Chelsea left a note that says she’ll keep coming by to check on him until we call her and tell her we’re home. I make a mental note to call her, then carry Holly to her nursery.

I can’t wait to settle her into her bassinet. To unpack the rest of her stuff and use my rocking chair for the first time. We’ll move it from our room into her nursery in a bit, but for now I want her close.

Humming, I clean and change her and put her into the tiniest onesie she has. Gabriel helps me swaddle her, and then I settle into my chair and pull my sweater up and pop my nursing bra open. She latches easily, sucking down milk. It eases some of my fears. She’s lost a few ounces since yesterday, which they said was normal, but if her appetite is any indication then she’ll regain it quickly.

Matthew brings me a drink so I can stay hydrated while breastfeeding, and Liam watches me nurse, a dopey grin on his face.

“What?” I ask him, unable to hide my grin.

“You’re just so fucking beautiful,” he says.

I don’t feel beautiful. And I’m sure I don’t look it. I showered in the hospital, but it’s been an exhausting couple of days. My hair is up in a messy bun out of necessity because it’s snarled and needs brushing. And I don’t want to talk about the leakage. Or the fact that my belly still looks six months pregnant.

“How long before we can have another one?” he asks.

I shake my head. “Let me forget how much it hurt first.” But I sort of already have. The pain is a fading memory, soothed by holding our baby. Feeding her and petting her wispy soft hair and watching her do everything for the first time ever, like sneeze or touch her cute button nose.

“She won’t have a heat until she stops breastfeeding,” Gabriel says.

“So that’s… six months? A year?” Matthew asks.

“Yeah. You know, the doctor told me something really interesting,” Gabriel says.

“What?” I ask.

“That you didn’t tear or need a single stitch. I guess our massages and stretching exercises did the trick.”

I give him an unamused look. “My vagina is off limits for at least six weeks.”

Liam shares a look with the others. “That’s okay. I think we can keep each other entertained. But for now, how about Chinese food?”

“Yesssss,” I groan with excitement. “I want one of everything.”