“I’m wearing slick panties,” I tell him. I have to now. All of my cute underwear have slowly transitioned over to slick panties. The super absorbent kind that have full protection from back to front. When you have three mates who love to bend you over on a whim, an omega’s gotta be prepared to get messy.
“Smart girl.” Liam shifts, and with some effort, his knotpops free. I stand with his help and Liam tugs my panties up while I fix my coat.
Despite the absorptive properties of the underwear, I still feel the squish of cum and slick when I sit back down. Liam fixes his clothes, then shifts the four-wheeler back into drive. It’s not much farther to our Christmas tree. We take a shortcut through the woods and meet the SUV at a trail marker. Everyone is standing around the tree, waiting for us.
He cuts the engine and hops off, then helps me down. His dad hands him the ax they leaned against the tree while they waited.
Jen and I stand a safe distance away. “Did you get lost?” she asks.
I avoid looking at her and focus on the tree instead. “We took a detour.”
“Onto Liam’s dick,” I whisper.
She snorts. “That’s what I thought. Damn, girl. How are you still able to get it like that at eight months? In my last month with both my kids I could barely walk across my house without getting tired.”
Liam pulls his parka off and hands it to Matthew. He’s in just his flannel, undershirt, and jeans. He has to kneel in the snow to get to the base of the tree. The tree’s branches hang low, nearly touching the ground. Once he’s in position, he lifts a branch out of the way and starts cutting a notch in the trunk with confident swings.
“I mean… look at him,” I say, unable to rip my eyes away from him. “That’s a lot of motivation. Plus Gabriel’s been making me take prenatal yoga classes for months.”
Liam moves to the other side, cutting a notch on the otherend of the trunk. He swings repeatedly, chipping away at it until there’s a creaking sound. “Watch out!”
Everyone standing too close moves away as he makes the final swing. The tree lets out a loud crack, then falls into the snow. Liam hands the ax to his dad, then bends down and hefts the tree up onto his shoulder, dragging it behind him.
“Fuuuuck,” I whisper. That’s so fucking hot. There’s something primal and satisfying about watching my alpha take down a tree and hoist it up onto his back like it’s a sack of flour. My pussy clenches, a fresh bead of slick and cum soaking into my panties.
Jen snickers. “RIP to your vagina.”
“Mmhmm.” We join the boys at the SUV where they’re busy tying the tree closed with rope and hauling it up on the roof of the car.
“Ready?” Matthew asks, waving us over.
Fuck. Yeah. It’s tree decorating time.
We don’t detour on our way back. I’m too excited to get the tree up. Matthew’s mom bakes her famous cookies and ladles out hot chocolate while someone puts on Christmas music. My parents help bring up the boxes of ornaments and lights that the ski chalet provides. We plug the lights in, testing the strings and fixing a few broken bulbs.
“Why don’t some of them light up?” Bailey asks from her perch on my knee.
“If too many are broken, the electricity can’t flow through. They all have to work together to light up and be pretty. If we pop the bad ones out…” I carefully pry the burnt out glass bulb free, “we can put new ones in. What color should we put here?”
“Red!” Bailey pokes at the red replacement bulb from my palm.
I help her pop it into the socket. “Okay, let’s plug it in and see if it works now.”
Matthew shoves the light strand’s plug into the outlet and the strand of multicolored lights light up.
Bailey throws her arms up and squeals. “Yay!”
“Cookies are done,” Margaret says. “Can she have one?” she asks Jen.
“Please?” Bailey begs with wide eyes.
Her little sister toddles over at the mention of cookies. “Cookie?”
“Only one,” Jen says. “Or you’ll ruin your appetite for dinner.”