When they move to slide into the nest, Kat makes an uh-uh sound and wags her finger at them. “Go wash up.”
Liam’s eyebrows rise. “Really?”
“You’re sticky, and it’s our first night in our brand new nest,” she says.
Matthew glances at Liam for direction, and Liam caves. They head into the bathroom for a quick rinse. I grin and watch her scoot up the bed and wiggle under the covers.
Alphas might lead the pack, but it’s the omegas that controlthe nest. I stand at the edge and smile when she looks at me curiously.
“Am I fit for your nest, omega?”
Kat raises one eyebrow. “Of course.”
I pull the sheets down and slip inside, becoming her big spoon as she finagles her pregnancy pillow into place and gets settled. Becoming her big spoon has become the coveted position. A small part of me wants to lord it over Liam. That I get to be it on our first night in our brand new bed in our new house.
There’s a whisper of omega contentment in the bond I share with her through Liam as she gets comfortable and I settle in behind her. Liam and Matthew finish up in the bathroom and join us, sliding into the nest.
The bed is huge. One day soon, it’ll be filled with children. Matthew will read them bedtime stories as we all cuddle them. I can’t wait.
We end up huddled together in a puppy pile in the middle anyway despite finally having enough room to sprawl out. Maybe it’s because we’re used to sleeping this way now. Or we simply don’t want to have any room between us now that we’re bonded. There’s something comforting about slotting your leg between another’s and knowing they’re completely safe next to you while you sleep.
Kat falls asleep first, but the rest of us lie there a bit in the dark. We enjoy the moment that seems so mundane but is really quite momentous.
I’m half-asleep when something jolts me awake. We’re still getting used to the new house and all of its noises. I crack my eyes open and look around the room in the dark. Waffles is curled up and asleep at the foot of the bed. Liam is gently snoring. Matthew and Kat are sound asleep.
Then I feel what woke me. A tiny thump under my palm. The one resting on Kat’s baby bump. A kick? I press a bitharder. Our baby girl kicks back, as if upset to have her space invaded. With a kick like that, I’m gonna get her to play football.
Grinning, I lay my head back down and snuggle her closer, inhaling the sweet cookie scent of Kat’s hair. Her smell is thicker than usual according to Liam. A sign of a healthy omega pregnancy. It must be if even I can smell it this strongly as a beta. Our daughter kicks my hand again, then settles.
I can’t wait to start working on our princess’s nursery tower.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Tires crunchon gravel and the fine dusting of snow that has settled on the long driveway leading up to the ski chalet. I look out the window, letting out a squeal when I see who’s arrived. I head to the door as fast as I can, which isn’t very fast considering I’m eight months pregnant.
I throw the door open, cold air slapping me in the face, and head outside. “Jen!” I shout, waving at her. Her mates pull their luggage from the trunk while Jen pops her youngest on her hip and their eldest runs up the drive, screeching with excitement.
“Auntie Kaaaaat!” Bailey stops short a few feet away, staring. Her nose is already red from the cold and her eyes are wide. “Wow, you’re big!”
Jen hustles after her, panting. Her warm breath fogs the cold air. “Bailey, remember? I told you that Auntie Kat is growing a baby in her tummy.”
Bailey cocks her head. “That’s a big baby.” She glances around at the ski chalet and the quiet woods covered in a blanket of snow. We got here last night before it started. It was a pleasant surprise to wake up to. “I wanna build a snowman!” she screeches.
“After we get settled and you eat lunch,” Jen promises her daughter. “Hi,” she says to me.
“How was the drive?” I ask her, stepping to the side so they can enter. “Hi, Jake. Your room is the yellow one if you guys want to put your bags down. They’re all labeled with signs on the doors.”
“The drive was good,” Jen says, putting her youngest down once the door’s closed. She stoops down to unzip the toddler’s parka and picks Bailey’s torn off winter gear up off the floor. She hangs everyone’s coats up on the pegs by the door. “It’s nice to get out of town.” Once the little ones are out of earshot, she leans in close and whispers, “I have their presents in trash bags in the trunk.”
I nod. “Your mates can put them in the attic tonight once the kids are asleep.”
Jen smiles and looks around at the place. “Nice. This is fun. Thanks for inviting us.”
“Of course. I wasn’t going to have Christmas without you. Are you sure your parents don’t mind?”
Jen waves my concerns away. “They booked a discount cruise and flew to Florida after we told them. They’re talking about moving down there. They can’t keep up with the snow or cold anymore. Wow. This place is gorgeous. I can’t wait to post photos.”