When he’s right there, he sits on his haunches and reaches for me. I lean back against the wall and lift a leg, setting my heel onto his thigh and pressing lightly till the point digs in enough so he knows I’m serious. “Did I say you could touch me?”
“No.” He shakes his head to emphasize the point, his collarbone-length hair moving over his shoulders with the movement.
His gaze is adoring, as if he’d kneel on this bathroom floor all day if it pleased me. It wouldn’t. Hard floors hurt after a while. I’d never want to hurt him like that, but having that sort of control over someone is a heady thought all the same.
I need to scare him off before I do something really stupid I can’t take back.
“Very good, pet. Now let’s discuss the ground rules. You’ll tell me if I do something you don’t like. Your homework will be to think about and write up a list of things you do and don’t enjoy. I expect to have it in my hand when the club opens.”
Jamie nods in agreement. “I can do that.”
Fuck. Is he serious?“Are you seeing anyone?” I ask.
“Anthony. It’s been going on for over a year now.”
His cheeks tint pink, and I forget how to breathe for a moment. The sight of him kneeling at my feet and blushing makes my pelvis tighten. I didn’t know both of them were bi, but now I can’t get the thought of them together out of my head. What a sight that would be. One dark and slim, the other fair and broad. They’d be a beautiful study of contrasts.
“How didthathappen?” I ask before I can stop myself. They’re such opposites. Jamie is sweet and kind and gentle. Anthony is charming, a little bratty at times, and intense. If Jamie is a Golden Retriever in human form, then Anthony is a German Shepherd.
“My car broke down and his cousin owns a foreign car shop. My car is vintage, so parts aren’t always easy to find. Anthony gave me rides while they were fixing it. We started hanging out.”
“Is it serious?”
Jamie nods. “He’s pack, but he wants to wait and find the rest before committing.”
My breath hitches at the idea of Anthony sprawled out on a bed with Jamie’s teeth marks decorating his throat.What is a bite mark over a tattoo like?
I close my eyes and take a breath before I can get too distracted. I’m not really doing this… am I? He’s not balking. He’s calling my bluff and—God help me—I’m trying to remember why it’s such a bad idea. He’s a consenting adult.
Is he really serious, though? Or are they like Nate and his boyfriend? Only looking for a fun weekend threesome?
“I’d have expectations,” I warn him.
Jamie nods and waits, obedient and patient.
“I don’t ask my partners for exclusivity but I don’t want to be blindsided either if a lover comes to the club. All I ask is for you to respect that Rut is my home. There will be absolutely no more bathroom hook ups with customers.” I think of how literal Jamie can be and rephrase it, “No hookups with customers at all. Could you handle that?”
He nods and his lips stretch into a serene smile. “Yes. I want us to help you through your heat.”
Us.Him and Anthony. My nipples tighten as I picture myself sandwiched between them. Am I really doing this? It breaks all of my rules. Maybe if I weren’t so close to preheat, I could stuff these feelings back down, but… I can’t. Being forced into the proximity of Brendan’s pheromones over the past several days has left me in a perpetual state of horny. I can’t deny I want them.
“Please, Miss Vee,” Jamie begs. “Please give us a chance. We won’t make you sorry.”
I know I should tell him to get off the floor and to forget this brief lapse in judgment happened… but the words get stuck in my throat. No matter how hard I try to force myself to say them, they won’t come out. The truth is, I want them. I have for a long time. And the build up of his sweet coconut pheromones in such a small space is making it so damn hard to remember why I should say no.
Jamie leans his face against my thigh, breaking theno touchingcommand, but he keeps his hands to himself so I let it go. My heel digs into him as he leans, but either he doesn’t seem to notice, or he doesn’t care.
“Please, Miss Vee. I’ll be so good for you.”
My failure to snap at him must make him bold because he nuzzles my inner thigh. His cheek rubs against me where the hem of my pencil skirt rides up my leg. He’s scent marking me.
My brain short circuits, and each thought feels molasses thick. I try to stay on track, but it’s impossible when his hot breath ghosts over the sensitive skin of my thigh. “What’s your safe word?”
He shrugs and closes his eyes and drags in a noisy inhale, his nostrils flaring as he scents me. When his eyes open, they’re darkened with lust, and the bulge in his still-unzipped pants looks painfully hard.
“Hmm?” he hums, distracted.
“I don’t play without safe words, pet.”