Page 70 of Rut Bar

“Yeah.” He laughs, his breath stuttering against the side of my face, and then he presses a kiss to the corner of my jaw. “How are you?” Jamie asks. “Is everything…”

“I’m good,” I reassure him. I turn in the circle of his arms and tilt up so I can give him a proper kiss. “I’mveryfucking good. How areyou? Is it what you hoped it’d be like?”

“No,” Jamie says, his forehead pressing to mine. “It’s even better. You’re sure that things are okay? You don’t feel… I don’t know, left out?”

A quick laugh escapes me as I test the golden edges with the spatula. “No, babe. I don’t feel left out. But I do have an idea.”

“Okay.” Jamie lets me go so I can tuck the omelet’s sides in and roll it. When it’s done, I scoop it onto my spatula. “I’ll get another plate,” he says.

“Why? You’re not eating and neither will she.” I switch my spatula for tongs as I grab some bacon from the cooling baking tray and add it to my plate.

“I’m not?” Jamie asks, pausing in the middle of pulling a cabinet door open. He lets it go and the door swings shut.

“Nope,” I tell him as I turn the stove knob off and flip the last pancake onto my plate. “You get to go prep. You can eat after.”

“Oh.” He blinks as he processes my meaning, and then he nods. “Ohhhhh. Right. You think we can? Do you really think I’ll let you?” His voice is breathy. Hopeful.

I stab a fork into the fluffy omelet, breaking off a bite along with a chunk of bacon and shoveling it all into my mouth. While I chew, I go over it again in my mind. By the time I’ve swallowed, I’ve decided.

It could fail spectacularly, ending with one of us in the hospital, but we won’t know unless we try. I’m okay taking that risk for the potential reward. They’re both worth it. “Yeah.”

Jamie gives me a hopeful smile and watches me eat while we both stand in the kitchen. I put the plate and fork in the dishwasher, then put the frying pan and spatula in the sink to deal with later. From the fridge, I grab another protein water for Vee, then think about it and hand a second one to Jamie. He drinks his down while I bring hers into the bedroom.

She’s sleeping. Vee stirs from under her mound of blankets when we enter the room, but she doesn’t fully wake. I set the cherry flavored drink on the nightstand for her later, then point Jamie to the bathroom and smack him on the ass. He keeps his eyes pinned to the snoozing omega, but he follows orders as he goes into the bathroom to prepare. He knows what to do.

I take advantage of his absence to crawl back into the nest and pull her warm little body against mine. She’s a space heater underneath those blankets, and I make a mental note to turn the AC down so it’s colder the next time I get up.

The water runs in the bathroom as Jamie gets his ass ready for me. When the water shuts off ten minutes later, my dick twitches with anticipation against my thigh.

Jamie pulls the bathroom door open, and my heart skips a beat as I watch him walk over to us. I eat up the sight of him. His tall, broad frame seems extra defined today. Either it’s her heat pheromones making his muscles bulge more than normal, or he needs to drink more of the fancy protein waters we bought. He needs the extra fluids since he’s using a lot of his energy stores to make all that cum.

“I hope you’re good and ready,” I tell him with a grin. “Because your ass is about to be mine.”



A sleepy,purring Vee curls into my side, and I palm my dick and stare at Jamie while I stroke it to life. My cock thickens in my hand as I tug it from root to tip and dip my thumb into my slit. Jamie crawls onto the bed and lies between my legs, his mouth going straight to work as he wraps his lips around my cockhead and sucks with practiced ease.

His tongue laves my underside and traces the veins. I try to keep my moans and sounds contained, but Vee stirs beside me. She throws a leg over mine and her hips twitch, and then I feel her wet pussy soak my thigh as she uses me to rub herself.

God, she smells so fucking good. Her normally sweet, juicy scent is mouthwatering. It’s extra thick and sweet, with enough of an acidic tang to keep it from being cloying. It’s the difference between something orange flavored and a freshly squeezed orange.

I want to drag her on top of my face and drink her down. If it’s this bad for me, a beta, I can’t imagine the torture Jamie is going through. Not with his more sensitive nose and the clamoring of his alpha instincts.

“Did you have a good nap, baby?” I ask her as I shove my face in her soft hair. She smells like her shampoo. Feminine and sweet.

“It hurts,” she whimpers, her hips pressing hard against my thigh. “Please. Pleasepleaseplease.”

Her heat-drunk begging doesn’t satisfy me like I thought it would. I realize that it’s because she’s not quite herself when she’s in her delirium. We could be any alpha, any beta, and she’d be begging us for our cocks. Jamie’s knot.

That’s not what I want. I want her to beg me formycock. ForJamie’sknot. Brendan’s too, if that pans out like I think it might.

She likes him. I can tell by the way she watches him. How her body angles toward him when he’s in the room. The glances she sneaks when he’s not looking. How she smiles more when he’s around.

Vee’s begging won’t be a victory for me until it’s Vee making breathless demands that we please her, fill her, breed her sweet little pussy after her heat’s done.

But while it’s not quite the victory I thought it would be, her pleas still make my cock twitch in Jamie’s mouth. “I know what you need, baby,” I tell her. I claim her mouth in a deep kiss that stops her from begging. Then I pull Jamie’s mouth off me by getting a fistful of his hair.