Page 129 of Rut Bar

“Good. She liked it.” A blush heats my face and I glance around to make sure we’re alone. “I’m wearing it now.”

Anthony grins and sets the glass he was wiping aside, then leans on his forearms across the bar. “I know. She gave us our keys while you were rehearsing. We talked because she had questions. Sounds like tonight’s your big night. Excited?”

My belly feels fluttery and my palms are sweaty. Excited. Nervous. Frustratingly horny from the newness of the cage’s constant pressure around my cock and balls. “Yes.”

“Jamie!” Nate yells. “Are you planning to join us sometime this century?”

I look over my shoulder and see that the dancers have come back in and everyone is headed to the changing room for dress rehearsals.

The changing room. The room where we change. Where I’ll have to get naked. Oh. Well… That’s going to be awkward.

“Oh, and Jamie?” Anthony calls out, stopping me from getting far. His grin widens, and he rakes his dark hair out of his face as he comes around the bar and steps close. He claps me on the shoulder and leans in like he’s telling me a secret.

With his body blocking the movement, he reaches down and grabs the cage, pulling it away from my body. But there’s nowhere for it to go. It tugs at something deep inside me, and the air wheezes from my lungs right before a burst of pleasure from the dull, throbbing pain radiates through me.

Anthony’s voice is so low it’s almost a growl. “I’m telling you now that during her next heat, this stays on until we’re good and ready to unlock you. I’m going to take my time with her. Brendan is too. You’re going to have to take a lot of cock to earn the privilege of knotting her. Understood?”

I groan and nod, too overwhelmed to form words. It’s my deepest, most closely guarded fantasy. Being forced to endure an omega’s heat while caged. I love how Anthony doesn’t simply accept my quirks—he thrives in them. I’ve never trusted anyone else with these secrets. He makes it easy to be honest. Nothing’s too dark or rough or twisted for Anthony.

“Understood,” I answer.

Anthony squeezes me one last time. “Good,” he says. When he releases me, I bite back a whimper of relief.

“Do you need a formal invitation, Jamie?” Nick yells.

“Coming!” I say, forcing my voice into something that I hope sounds normal.

Anthony chuckles and mutters something under his breath like,no, you’re not.

I hurry through the curtain into the back and take my new costume from Darlene, giving the sweet beta woman my thanks. It’s a tight police uniform with navy sequins running up the side seam where the breakaway snaps go from hip to hem. There’s a sparkly navy thong with a silver star to match.

I’m the only one left in the changing room, but I know that my luck won’t hold forever. At some point, someone will see my cock cage. They’ll know that I’m locked, my chastity secured. Thoughts of the future embarrassment waiting for me shouldn’t get me hot, but I’m strangely looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time.

When I pull the thong on and check the fit in the mirror, I’m grateful for the dark colors of the costume. It hides the bumps of the cage. It’ll be fine for today, but when I wear the angel’s tight white pants, it’s going to be a problem. One of my mates will have to unlock me so I can dance.

Darlene meets me at the curtain and hands me the policeman’s hat that I forgot. I fix it on my head, then join the others. I pay extra attention to Nate’s commands and the music. Tonight needs to be perfect. After all, it’s a special night.

I only bump into Ryan twice this time.



Jamie pullsan enormous wad of crumpled cash out of his money bag and sets it on the dining table for smoothing and sorting.

“Wow, that’s more than normal, right? It seems like a lot,” Brendan says. He grabs two bottles of beer from the fridge and twists the tops off with his hand, then gives one to Anthony.

Anthony lifts the dark green glass to his lips and takes a swig before speaking. “Yeah, that’s a lot for a Tuesday.”

“It’s because he smells horny,” I say with a grin.

Jamie’s scent has been torturing me all night. There’s only one air return in the office, so the filtration system takes longer to do a full cycle than it does on the main floor. He also forgot to clean a splatter of cum off the floor, and I missed it until Brendan pointed it out. I’ve never been more grateful that Nate’s a beta than I was tonight. He’s also back on coke so his sense of smell is shit right now.

“I can’t help it,” Jamie says with a blush. “My cock won’t stop dripping. Every tiny thing sets me off. It’s sensitive.”

“Is it?” I ask, laying my trap. I stand right next to him and bury my nose in his neck as I pet his chest, then run my hand down his washboard abs. They tense and tighten, then relax under my palm. Lower. I brush over the bulge in his pants and enjoy the hitch in his breath. “How sensitive is your poor cock?”

“Very,” he answers.